Title: Living for Giving the Devil His Due Chapter 3/13
Author: Strangevisitor7
Characters: Sam Winchester, Sam Beckett, Admiral Al Calavicci, mentions of Dawn Summers and Bobby Singer
Fandom: Supernatural, BtVS & Quantum Leap
Rated: Gen
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize belongs to their respective creators
Summary: This Chapter is mostly form the Quantum Leap POV. Al and Sam Beckett are not sure what their mission is or why they should help Dean at all.
1) So that Sam Beckett had not been leaping in time for 25 years, I have adjusted the time line to match up better. Sam Beckett’s present is 2015 (this is where Al is) and he has been leaping around for 3 years before he lands in Dean Winchester
2) Sam in this chapter is almost always Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap. Shaggy is the name Sam Beckett uses (in his head and with Al) for Sam Winchester. Sadly, he does not call him the Ginormatron.
The other chapters are here:
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Chapter 7,
Chapter 8,
Chapter 9,
Chapter 10,
Chapter 11,
Chapter 12,
Chapter 13 Chapter 3: How Long to the Point of Know Return?
“So, I’m dying.” Sam Beckett said softly. It seemed as if this might be a pretty straightforward leap. Just figure out how to stop Dean from dying and then he could move on. It sounded easy, but Sam knew from experience that it never was.
The big guy, who Sam had mentally nicknamed Shaggy, watched him closely with a confused look on his face.
“You just got done convincing me that you were okay with dying and I believed you.” Shaggy was really studying him, staring at him, almost like the guy could tell it wasn't Dean in here.
“No, I am. Everybody dies, right.” Sam shrugged, but knew he didn't sound very convincing and he could tell Shaggy wasn't buying it. Still Sam was surprised when Shaggy's face lit up with a big grin, seemingly happy with ‘Dean’s’ new found ambivalence.
“We can still head to Bobby’s. We can be in South Dakota by this time tomorrow. I’ll call Dawn and she can meet us there. It won't take much to get everyone back on task.” Shaggy was practically vibrating with anticipation and pleading with every muscle for Sam to come with him. Shaggy was looking at Sam with big puppy dog eyes and he wondered how Dean ever said no to anything this guy wanted, ever.
Beckett figured that going to Bobby’s was someplace the real Dean didn't want to go. It was therefore an easy decision to give make. “Yeah, let’s go," Sam said.
Shaggy couldn't hide his joy and pulled Sam into a big bear hug, literally sweeping him off his feet. “Easy there big fellow.” Sam said as he extricated himself from the embrace.
Shaggy immediately backed off like he’d touched something hot. “Sorry, man. I'm just… I just think we can still beat this.”
He'd wondered at the relationship between the two men and as the awkward moment passed, Sam realized that Dean must not be a touchy guy. That meant that they were just friends and that was a bit of a relief. Not that there would be anything wrong with the other kind of friends, but Sam hadn’t done that leap and didn’t need the complication.
It was then that Sam realized that Al had yet to make an appearance. Sometimes it took a while for his holographic companion to arrive. Since agreeing to go to Bobby's hadn't been enough to send him onto the next leap, Sam reasoned that he had to go to South Dakota which was fine as he was actually looking forward to driving that car.
“Hey, you still with me, Dean?” Shaggy waved a hand in front of Sam's face trying to get his attention.
“Yeah, sorry, I guess I’m just trying to get my mind around everything.”
“No, I get it. I know you’re going for me...” Shaggy kept talking but Sam was distracted by the badly dressed man gesturing for Sam to head into the woods, so they can talk. Al had arrived.
Sam held up a hand to stop Shaggy’s ramble. “You just hold that thought, I’ll be right back”
He heard Shaggy snickering as he walked across the open field to slip behind some trees.
“I already know why I’m here. I have to stop Dean from dying. I just need a few details on people and places,” Sam said the minute they were out of view.
“No, I don’t think so. Because Ziggy is having real trouble with this one. This guy’s life just doesn’t add up. She can't bring up the odds on any scenarios. Bottom line is that we have no idea why you’re here. ”
“Well, give me the basics on the guys life and we’ll figure it out the long way.”
Al sighed and looked at the handheld device that always reminded Sam of badly built Lego. “The year is 2008 and you are Dean Winchester - ”
“Like the rifle?” Sam interrupted.
Al just glared at him.
"Sorry," Sam whispered and then gestured for Al to continue.
“You're twenty-nine years old. The big guy by the car is your little brother, Sam Winchester and he’s twenty-five. You’re a high school graduate with no visible means of support. A few stints as a mechanic but nothing long term. Then it gets weird. Dean Winchester was supposedly shot dead in 2005 in St Louis. ”
“So, the records are wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“True,” Al agreed as he slapped the handlink. “Ok, here's something odd. The St. Louis police believe Dean faked his own death to avoid being charged with the murders of two young women.” Al frowned. “Oh, wow. It seems he tortured them to death.”
“That’s not all. In addition to murder, Dean is on the FBI’s wanted list for bank robbery, breaking and entering, fraud and, last but not least, grave desecration. There were also other murder charges from Baltimore which were dismissed, but he was their main suspect.”
“Oh my God! I’m in the body of a murderer and a sadistic one at that.” Sam felt ill. “This doesn’t make any sense, Al." Sam stood, hands on hips, trying to process all that Al had shared. "Wait, so is Shaggy over there a killer, too?”
“Shaggy? Oh, you mean Sam Winchester. No, that’s weird too. Kid was Pre-law at Stanford with a full ride and a 4.0. His girlfriend died in a fire halfway through his Senior year and he dropped off the grid. He resurfaces riding shotgun for his delinquent brother about three months later in St. Louis. He’s been Dean’s constant companion ever since.”
“So, what happened after Dean died?”
Al studied the handheld device. “ Dean is killed in about 10 hours by wild dogs and Sam dies six weeks later from a robbery gone wrong. Falls off the roof of an apartment building. Guess he wasn’t too good at being bad without his older brother.” Al paused as a look of confusion crossed his face. “Hey, how did you know you were going to die tonight?”
“I didn’t know it was tonight, but Shaggy over there said I’m dying.”
Al snorted. “So, you’re a dying man who gets eaten by wild dogs before he can die of natural causes,” Al shook his head, “I told you this was a weird leap.”
“Still, I am not sure why I should save this guy.” This leap didn't make any sense. Sam was supposed to help the good guys and, from everything Al had shared, this Dean Winchester was definitely not one of the good guys. This whole leap was headed sideways in a hurry.
“I'll tell you why," Al snapped. "Because if you don’t save this guy from the dogs or the disease or whatever, then you don’t leap. And if you don’t leap then the dogs or the disease or whatever gets you, not Dean, you!" Al pointed a holographic finger into the middle of Sam's chest for emphasis. "And Sam Winchester still dies six weeks later.”
“So, I’m supposed to put a killer back in circulation. I don’t do bad guys, Al.” Sam was shouting and pacing as his frustration with the situation was building. “HE sends me to stop murderers and to defend free speech and to help people fulfill their dreams. HE,” finger jabbed into the sky for emphasis, “does not send me to save the murderers.”
Al rolled his eyes as he always did when Sam threw out his ‘I am Leaping for God’ theory.
“Calm down, Sam. I know you think this leap isn't kosher, but maybe you’re not here to save Dean. Maybe you’re here to get Sam Winchester back in school so he doesn’t die.”
“Maybe, but that still means I have to save Dean first," Sam groused but then smiled as a possible solution came to him. "Maybe I could turn myself in. Dean would never do that but I could.”
Al shook his head. “First, Shaggy over there wouldn’t let you. Second, Dean has never actually been charged with anything because the evidence against him is very circumstantial. Third, turning yourself in doesn’t necessarily stop Sam Winchester from falling off that roof.”
“Al, is is possible that Dean Winchester is innocent. I could be here to give him a chance to clear his name. Once that happens then it should be easy to get Sam Winchester back to college." Sam was liking the scenario of Dean's innocence. "It makes perfect sense. I’m not in the body of a murderer, but of a wrongly accused man. I can do wrongly accused, Al”
“Hold on, Sam. Ziggy says there’s only a 35% chance you’re here to clear Dean’s name. In fact, she thinks there’s only a 55% chance that he is innocent. She's not getting odds on any other options though. Ziggy is very upset. She’s never been so blocked.”
Sam had to laugh. They all treated Ziggy like she was a real person and not the most sophisticated supercomputer ever built. “Well, Dean’s innocence is the only thing that works for me and the odds are in our favor. So, that’s the way we play this.”
“You go back to the waiting room and talk to Dean. Find out his version of everything. Tell him whatever you have to about the program, but get him talking. We may not have much time and hopefully when he leaps back to his own body it will scramble anything classified. Ziggy should review the police files again, but this time looking for proof of innocence. In the meantime, I will go with Sam Winchester to Bobby’s in South Dakota. See what Ziggy can find out about this Bobby and why the cure would be there.” Sam paused realizing he'd never asked the big question. “Hey, what disease do I have?”
Al held his hands up in defeat. “I’ve been looking, but there’s nothing. If Dean was ever diagnosed with a deadly disease, it wasn’t ever recorded anywhere that that Ziggy can find.”
“Then you need to find that out from Dean. It’s not like I can ask Shaggy. If I don’t know what's killing Dean, then I can’t cure it.
“No. Sam.” Al pointed behind him.
Sam Beckett turned to see Sam Winchester heading toward him. He heard the door to the holographic chamber slide closed behind him and knew that Al was off to gather what information he could. Sam headed toward the younger Winchester, feeling completely unprepared to play the role of Dean Winchester.
“Hey Dean, you get lost.”
“No, just admiring the scenery,” he said as he continued walking toward the car.
Shaggy snorted. “Ok, whatever. It’s about 18-20 hours to Bobby’s. I called and told him we were coming. Dawn is in Cleveland but she’s heading over, too. You want me to drive first.” The amused look on Shaggy’s face suggested he didn't expect that request to be granted.
“Hell, no!” Sam Beckett pulled the keys from his pocket and slid behind the wheel.
Chapter title: “Point of Know Return” by Kansas
Chapter 4