Nobody’s Girl (4/6) - - HL/SPN/SV - Immortal!Dean 'verse

Dec 31, 2007 12:19

Title: Nobody’s Girl (4/6)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Thanks to pen37
Prompt: #77 Trees for crossovers100 My table is here
Fandoms: Smallville, Highlander and Supernatural
Characters : Chloe Sullivan, Dean Winchester, Richie Ryan, Sam Winchester and Duncan MacLeod.
Pairing: Well that’s the story isn’t it? Will it be Chloe/Dean or Chloe/Richie?
Rating: PG-13
DisclaimerThe characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: Love triangle aside the foursome still have a hunt to finish

Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6

A/N: The rest of the Immortal Dean series can be found Here


Chapter 4
Dean stormed toward the garage.

Sam caught up with him. “Dude, what is your problem?”

“Not now, Sam” Dean snapped. He looked back to where Chloe and Richie were still talking.

Sam followed his gaze and understood immediately, “Just tell her you like her and stop being all Heathcliff on the moors.”

Dean blinked at him. “Whatever, college boy. There is no ‘me and Chloe’.”

“You don’t want to admit it, Dean, fine. I know it’s hard but can you stop acting like an asshat toward Richie and Chloe for one minute so we can finish this hunt?”

He and Richie were becoming pretty good friends and Dean knew he was being an ass. He didn’t need Sam to tell him that. As much as he tried, Dean couldn’t ignore the connection he saw growing between Richie and Chloe. If Chloe was interested in Richie that way, then as a friend, Dean knew he should get out of the way. Was it simply matter of pride that he refused to lose a girl to Richie or was it because Chloe had crawled under his skin in a way no woman ever had before.

He didn’t understand it. He’d been quietly watching her for months, and he still didn’t get it. Why did he hate himself when she gave him that look of disappointment after he came dragging in from a wild night with some other chick? What was it about her that could make him feel either great or awful at the turn of her smile? And why did he want to tear Richie’s friggin heart out with his bare hands when Chloe smiled at his friend like that?

He felt Sam staring at him. “What?”

Sam smiled, “I just get a kick out of watching the wheels turn.”

“Very funny, Samantha.” Dean turned away and pulled the EMF meter from his pocket. He began to sweep the exterior of the garage. He indicated to Sam that he should corral Chloe and Richie and then headed to the opposite side of the building.
“Over here,” Sam called to his companions. The EMF meter in his hand was going crazy.

The others joined him at the stump of a tree that had been cut down recently to make way for the new garage.

“You think it was the loss of the tree that disturbed our spirit?” Chloe asked.

Before Sam could answer the ghost appeared screaming gibberish at them. Dean stepped in front of Chloe and fired. The spirit dissipated. “Sam grab the shovels and let’s start digging.” Dean commanded.

Chloe and Dean did shot gun patrol while Richie and Sam dug where the meter indicated.

“Real glamorous life; hunting,” Richie grunted as he tossed shovels of dirt out of the way.

“Yep this is why I went to college,” Sam quipped.

“Find anything yet?” Dean asked as he circled around the tree stump; eyes on alert for their troublesome spirit.

Sam’s shovel hit something hard. “I think I got something.” He and Richie focused their efforts and moments later the remnants of a skeleton were revealed.

Sam crouched down to examine the remains. “Well, there’s no ID.” He lifted the skull to show the others a hole that could only have come from a bullet wound.

Dean leaned over the shallow grave, “Bullet hole to the skull; I’m guessing that makes this the body we were looking for.” He tossed Sam the salt and Richie the lighter fluid. When they were done and moved out of the way, Dean dropped a match. The flames consumed the remains and hopefully put the spirit to rest.

“Do you think we’ll ever find out who she was?” Chloe asked Sam as they headed back to the Impala. Chloe couldn’t get the mystery woman out of her head. What had put her there, in a shallow grave, with a bullet in her head?

Sam shook his head, “Given the age of that tree, and the cut of the clothes she was wearing, she was most likely killed here long before the house was built. Those remains could have been over a hundred years old. So, probably not.”

“That is so sad to be gone like that and have no one even notice.” Chloe voiced what they were all thinking. The reporter in her itched to know the story behind the restless spirit and given time she vowed she would find out.

Silently the four climbed in to the Impala and headed back to the dojo to give Duncan the good news.
Three weary hunters entered the loft to find Duncan standing at the elevator waiting for their report. Chloe had already excused herself to have the privacy of the first shower.

“Dean?” Mac questioned his student.

“The spirit's gone.” Dean nodded in confirmation. He looked over to where Anne was seated on the sofa holding a sleeping Mary. "Unfortunately, so is the Master Bedroom window."

"A small price to pay, I suppose, " Anne said as she extricated herself from her daughter, “I don’t know how I can ever thank you enough.” She gushed as she hugged them each in turn.

“Once you get that window fixed, it should be safe to move back in,” Sam confirmed.

Duncan smiled. "I can handle that. I can grab some plywood to cover it up today"

“Then, I guess we should be going.”

“I’ll drive you back but I’m going to stay the night just to be sure.”

“I’d like that,” Anne admitted as she reached out to embrace the highlander. “You have such wonderful friends.”

He smiled over her shoulder at Richie, Dean and Sam. “I know.” Mac released her so she could gather up her daughter. “Guys, tell Joe the drinks are on me. Have a good time and I’ll see you later.”

They said their farewells and piled into the elevator. “So,” Dean began, “let’s get cleaned up and get down to the bar.”

“I don’t know Dean…” Sam began.

Richie didn’t respond as he lifted the gate and exited the elevator, the others trailing behind him.

“Sam? Richie? Free beer. What’s the problem?” Dean stopped and stood in the middle of the dojo waiting for their response. The adrenaline of the day was still ringing in his ears and a trip to the bar was just the ticket.

“I’m tired Dean and I want to see if I can figure out who our victim was. She deserves to be identified.” Sam admitted. “Although it’s probably futile, I still have to try”

Dean nodded his understand of Sam's completest nature. “Knock your self out. Richie?” He asked stepping toward his friend “I think we could use a drink after a day like today right?” Left unspoken was the idea that they had a friendship to repair.

“Actually I have plans,” Richie hesitated, “with Chloe.”

Dean’s flinched. “Oh right. Sure. Some other time then.” Dean had plastered his game face on and continued, “Means more beer and chicks for me. Not that you’re any real competition.”

Sam recognized that face. “On second thought Dean, I could use a beer.” Sam offered. “It’s no fun to drink alone.”

“Speak for yourself. You’re a lousy wingman.” Dean forced a weak laugh. “Whatever. I need a shower first.” He headed for the small apartment that Duncan had set aside for them.

Richie turned to Sam and sighed, “He’s pissed at me.”

Sam shook his head, “He’s pissed at himself.”

Richie nodded “Tell Chloe I’ll be back at 8 PM to pick her up. And tell Dean-“

“To stop being an ass. Believe me, I’ve been telling him that for years.” Sam laughed.

Richie joined the laughter and with a farewell clap to Sam’s shoulder he left the dojo.

richie ryan, immortal!dean, dean winchester, duncan macleod, supernatural, crossovers100, sam winchester, highlander, my fic, chloe sullivan, smallville

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