Not Looking for Trouble (2/3) - HL/SPN/SV - Immortal!Dean 'Verse

Oct 01, 2007 23:22

Title: Not Looking for Trouble (2/3)
Author: Strangevisitor7
Beta: Thanks to Pen37 for the beta and for Chloe.
Prompt: #60:Drink for crossovers100 My Claim is Duncan Macleod and My table is here
Rated: PG
Fandom: HL, Smallville and SPN: Immortal!Dean ‘verse
Characters: Dean Winchester,OMI, mention of Duncan MacLeod,
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.
Summary: Between the chick reporter (Chloe) and his two boy scout companions (Mac and Sam), Dean needs a little time away and heads to the nearest bar.

Prologue: We Can't Keep Her, Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3

The rest of the Immortal!Dean 'verse can be found in the Immortal!Dean Archive

Thanks to galathea_snb for my Header

Not Looking for Trouble:Chapter 2

Dean had found a bar a couple of miles from the hotel. There were some pool tables and lots of potential female companions. He’d settled at the bar and ordered a beer.

He hadn’t let loose since they’d left South Dakota and Dean needed some space from his pissy, little brother. The whole Chloe thing was getting on his last nerve.

He’d had it. He was tired of traveling with the boy scouts. Sam never was one for casual hookups or even bar hopping and Mac had put a moratorium on the pool hustling. The Watchers had cleared up the Winchesters rather spotty background and Mac was adamant that they were going to stay honest from now on. It was great to be back on the hunt but the rest of it was driving him crazy.

He laughed as he realized he actually missed Richie. Dean had never really had friends but right now what he wouldn’t give for the appearance of his wingman. Richie would understand when he bitched about Sam, then he would have helped set up the pool scam and ultimately would have cleared out when Dean found the right girl for the evening.

Plus, if Richie were around there wouldn’t be any room in the Impala for blondie. Dean couldn’t understand why Sam was so hot to have this chick around. She was a reporter.

They had too many secrets to keep and yet Sam had spilled his guts like a little girl to Chloe.

Then it suddenly became clear. Sam must like this girl. Dean was a loss to understand why but then they’d never shared similar tastes in woman.

So, Sam and Chloe. He tried to wrap his mind around that. She was someone who accepted their world without blinking. He could respect that. Sam would want someone smart. She wasn’t bad looking and she did have a nice rack. Dean smiled at the memory of Chloe’s cleavage.

Okay, he could bury his dislike of her for Sam. The more Dean thought about it the more the match made sense.

He signaled the bartender for another beer. Now that he was feeling better, it was time to stake out some company for the evening. He looked around and exchanged smiles with a Brunette sitting at the end of the bar. That was all it took. He slid down until he was sitting next to her.

He was just about to make his move when he felt that damn Buzz. How the hell had Duncan found him when Dean had the car? He reluctantly turned around ready to explain himself to his mentor. He locked eyes with the source of the Buzz and it wasn’t Duncan.

The stranger smiled at Dean as he crossed the bar to sit next to him. The brunette took off in a huff as Dean’s attention was now completely focused on the blonde guy in the black duster.

"I didn’t realize there were any of our kind in town. George Mueller." He held out his hand.

"Dean Winchester," he responded. Dean detected a hint of a German accent and the guy gave off a definite Aryan vibe. “Just passing through.”

"If you don’t mind, I’d like to grab a beer before we head outside." George continued to smile even as he proposed violence.

"Wait, are you challenging me?" Dean was incredulous. The guy’s friendly manner never wavered. "Because we don’t have to do this. Really. The whole ‘there can be only one’, it’s bullshit."

"I had heard rumors about a higher purpose. It seems the cowardly among us are trying to change the rules." George looked pointedly at Dean.

"Hey now wait a minute, I’m no coward" Dean wasn’t one to ever back down from a fight. "Fine you want to do this then let’s do this." He’d been training with Duncan for months. It was about time he put it all to the test.

"Excellent. I guess the beer can wait." George continued to smile at him. Dean found it very creepy.

Dean stood to follow the Immortal. It was then he realized that he’d left his sword in the hotel room. Crap, Dean thought. Stupid, stupid! Duncan was going to kill him, if George didn’t do it first.

Dean put on his best ‘let’s be friends smile’ and hoped he could persuade his opponent to postpone their fight. "Ah George, think we can reschedule? I forgot I have a previous appointment."

George turned and laughed. "I guess you’re a coward, after all." He moved closer and whispered in Dean’s ear. "I’ll be waiting outside, so unless you’re going to hide in here all night I suggest you come now."

Dean was fuming. He may be weaponless but he wasn’t exactly helpless. "You shouldn’t have said that."

Dean let loose. He landed his first punch on the guy’s cheek and the second to his gut. George recovered quickly and soon the fight had the attention of everyone in the bar. Punches were exchanged. Finally, Dean landed a kick that sent George crashing through a nearby table stunning him.

Dean took advantage of the break in the action and headed for the door. Maybe he could make it back to the hotel without Georgie boy following him. As he approached the door, another Buzz hit him. Damn, was this a hot spot for Immortals?. He’d never make it to the Impala and George, now revived, was blocking the way to the back exit.

Dean was trapped. He decided he was safer in the bar. George would never pull a sword in front of witnesses. That was when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see the bouncer.

"I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave."

"No wait, the fight’s over. I promise." He could not be thrown out now.

Across the room, the bartender stood George up and hustled him toward the exit. The German was still smiling even as he was manhandled past Dean. "We’ll finish this outside."

That Immortal was definitely bat shit crazy, Dean thought. He struggled against the bouncer but the dude had four inches and a hundred pounds on him. He tried to convince the guy to let him exit out the back. No luck; he was headed out the front door whether he wanted to go or not.

How the hell was he going to fight two Immortals without a sword? The knife in his boot was worthless in this situation and he typically didn't bring a gun into a bar; that was just asking for trouble. Maybe he could get to the car. There were machetes and shotguns in the trunk. "Okay. I’m going. I swear. Can you let go, please?" The bouncer released him but still pointed him toward the front door.

Dean stood for a moment at the door and visualized the route to the Impala. George would be waiting for him so he had to be quick. Taking a deep breath he bolted out the door and headed toward where the Impala was parked.

immortal!dean, dean winchester, duncan macleod, supernatural, crossovers100, sam winchester, highlander, my fic, chloe sullivan, smallville

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