Title: Hell Hath No Fury - (1/8)
strangevisitor7Fandom/Universe: Supernatural (AU), Magnificent 7; In the Aces Immortal Highlander AU
ithildyn Rating: PG-13 for violence
Characters: From SPN: Dean and Sam Winchester. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Nathan Jackson, Josiah Sanchez
Summary: What if Sam and Dean were
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Comments 24
..and yay :) This should be fun :)
Thanks! I hope so.
I've been wanting to do another SPN/MAg7 cross for a while.
First Thanks - glad you're enjoying the new story. Only Josiah is going to have knowledge of the Winchesters and the supernatural - I don't think I'm giving anything away there.
Glad you are enjoying my Teen!mag7 - Ezra has always been given a love of explosions in fandom so I thought it would be fun for his teen version, Eddie, to have that trait too.(I just couldn't bring myself to name him Ezra - too oldfashioned)
As for real life - all is well and the spacebug is doing fine too. :D
Had to catch up on giving you feedback. :) so I put it all into one comment. And a little more fb...Love the Richie picspam...Nice way to start the morning. :)
You're welcome. Okay, so Josiah is the only one in the know about the Winchesters and the supernatural. Eagerly looking forward to see where the story goes. Have cowboy Dean in my head, I can see him in the brown duster, cowboy hat and boots riding a big black gelding named Impala. :)
I can so see Ezra as an Eddie and in the episode, the collector he was the one helping Buck with the explosives and in the pilot and the new law he did fire the cannons. I am enjoying your Teenmag7.
Have a fantastic weekend.
take care
I love the teenmag7 boys too and I'm sure they will show up again.
You have a great weekend too
And I love that Josiah's 'past' was being a Hunter.
*squishes the boys* Oh I love your OW version of the boys! Keep going! I can't wait to see what happens! *grins* Especially when they meet the mag7 boys!
From what I read in the comments, only Josiah is in the know, so this will be doubly interestng. Everyone always has some kind of reveal, so I'm happy to see you're trying to keep everything secret! :D
And since Ezra is Immortal there's that secret too. Stay tuned!
We're all on yahoo if you feel up to joining us! :)
Had fun last night thanks for the invite
More soon!
I needed a bridge between the two groups and Josiah fit the bill
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