Title: Into The Woods - Immortal!Uncle Dean 'Verse
Divas_Lament Rated: PG
Fandom: Immortal!Dean Universe with a dash of Teen!Mag7 AU
Characters: The Spawn - JD Winchester, Mule Winchester. The Teen!Mag7 - Chris, Nate, Joey, Eddie and Vin. And a very special appearance by Dean Winchester & Richie Ryan
Prompt: Written for
Spawnfic_tuesDisclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. JD and Mule are mine.
A/N: JD’s friends are Teen version's of the Mag7 boys (sort of) introduced in
Welcome to High School, Little Brother. And just to be clear my JD is not JD Dunne and there is no Teen!Buck.
A/N2: Other spawn adventures in the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found
here Summary: JD and his buddies go on a camping trip to celebrate High School Graduation. Yeah, you know that can't turn out well.
Chapter list:
Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3 Into The Woods
JD slammed the trunk of the Impala closed and turned to face his little brother. He and his friends had been looking forward to this graduation celebration getaway for weeks. Everything was going according to plan until they'd been informed that Chris' parents were going out of town. Mr. and Mrs. Larabee had been adamant that they either bring Chris' little brother, Kevin, or cancel the trip. Since it was the Larabee's cabin, the rest of the group couldn't go without Chris, even if they'd wanted to, and canceling was out of the question.
JD had come up with the only solution that made sense; Mule should come, too. Besides, the two little dweebs were friends anyway. Problem solved.
"You're only coming on this camping trip because Chris had to bring his little brother."
Rolling his eyes, Mule replied, "I know, JD. I stay out of you and your friend's hair and keep Vin out of it too." He'd been hearing this speech every day since JD had been forced to include him.
JD pointed a finger at his brother. "Don't say anything stupid, don't do anything stupid and - "
"Geez, JD! Give it a rest, will ya? I'm getting tired of the prison guard impression. It's not like I want to spend a week trapped in a cabin with you and your cronies." Mule approached the trunk and indicated that he wanted his bag back. It was a complete fake out. Mule was secretly pleased to be included, but he wasn't about to let JD know that. He'd already weaseled a few promises from his big brother and had every intention of milking the situation for all it was worth.
JD paled. "Come on, Mule. Don't be like that."
"Then stop with the decrees," Mule snapped.
"Fine, fine. I get it. You're doing me a favor." JD backed down much to Mule's delight. "I'm sure we'll all have a great time.”
Mule was sure they would. He and Vin had already planned how they were going to use the power he had over JD to their advantage once they were at the cabin. Vin had a wicked sense of humor and Mule had already decided that Winchester prank wars were not limited to just Winchesters.
Any further discussion was cut short as Joey's SUV rolled up. Mule studied the motley crew that had been his brother's friends for years as they exited the car to greet JD; the five of them where a pretty intimidating group.
Vin's brother Chris like to dress all in black, but any suggestion that he was some kind of Goth would be met with a glare that rivaled Medusa's and quite possibly a fist to the face. While JD liked to think he was in charge, Mule knew that Chris was the one who was really the leader. Of course, he would never tell his brother that.
Joey was a bit of a philosopher, but his time spent on the varsity wrestling team and the fact that he was built like a tank, often meant that he was just as likely to resort to resolving altercations physically as verbally.
Nate had turned down multiple pleas from the high school football coach to join the team. But Nate wanted to be a doctor so he wasn't interested in bashing heads. Mule always wondered why he hung out with a crowd that was known for never walking away from a fight. Then again, every group needed someone with a cool head - this group more than most.
Eddie at 5'10" was the shortest and the smallest, but after years of martial arts training with JD at Uncle Duncan's dojo, Mule suspected he was the only one who could actually take his brother down.
They were a fiercely loyal and tight knit fivesome, but Mule had discovered that he and Vin were included in their little circle when it mattered most. Back on the first day of high school, JD and the others had stared down the football team in their defense. There was nothing quite like the threat of imminent violence to convince the bullies to look elsewhere for their fun.
"You ready for this?' Vin asked, a huge smile on his face, as he came to stand beside Mule. Vin was wearing his customary bright colors: red T-shirt and blue jeans. Mule always figured it was a balance against his brother's brooding nature.
"We just have to make sure they don't turn us into slaves and don't forget to check for Nair in the shampoo."
Vin laughed. "Chris hasn't figured out how to successfully get that one past me yet."
"Well, I haven't fallen for it again." Mule grimaced remembering the months it took to grow his hair back out after JD's one successful use of that prank. Both Mule and Vin took a lot of grief for their long hair. Uncle Dean referred to Vin as Mule's hippie friend … His uncle really needed to stop living in the 70's.
"I figure we take off right when we arrive and avoid unpacking duty. They can bitch about it later."
"I like the way you think," Mule said.
"Hey! You girls wanna get your butts in the car?" Chris yelled from the passenger side of the Impala.
Mule rolled his eyes at Vin. "So original," he whispered as he dragged his friend to the car. Joey, Nate and Eddie had already taken off in the SUV
"Lucky us, stuck in the car with them," Vin sighed.
After one quick stop at Uncle Dean's who loaded them up with beer after making them promise not drink and drive or tell their dad, they made it to the cabin in just under four hours.
JD pulled the Impala up next to Joey's SUV which was already parked in front of the secluded, rustic cabin. Actually, not so rustic. It had three bedrooms and all the modern conveniences like satellite TV and a microwave - the two big necessities for a successful week.
"Better stop them before they claim the good room," JD said, suggesting that the others might already be finished unloading since they hadn't had to stop for the beer.
Chris was out of the car in a shot to check on what the early arrivals had done.
"Make yourself useful and grab the gear, boys," JD said tossing the keys to Mule. He exited the car without looking back trusting that his little brother would obey.
JD entered the one-story cabin to see that the territorial games had begun.
"My cabin," Chris growled. "My rules."
"I was under the impression that possession was 9/10th's of the law," Eddie said successfully blocking Chris from entering the master bedroom and removing his things.
Nate and Joey were standing in the doorway of one of the two smaller bedrooms watching the fireworks.
JD came to stand near them. "I'm assuming you two have staked your claim?"
"Yep. You get Chris," Joey slapped a meaty paw on JD's shoulder, "once Eddie finishes weaseling the master bedroom away from him."
"Gee, thanks guys. You're the best," JD said his voice steeped in sarcasm and turned his attention back to the growing conflict between his friends.
"I suggest we draw for it," Eddie said pulling a deck of cards out of his pocket.
Chris snorted. "Like I'd even have a chance of winning."
"He's got a point, Eddie," JD said. An early fascination with magic had left Eddie with the uncanny ability to manipulate the cards in his favor.
"Are you suggesting that I would cheat?"
"Yes!" Nate, Joey and JD chorused.
"I do not cheat!" he insisted. "Though in this case," he grinned up at his furious friend, "I think I might be justified as I have already claimed the room."
The others waited to see what Chris would do. The last time Chris had tried to take Eddie down he'd ended up on the floor with the shorter teen's foot on his throat.
Chris gave Eddie a feral smile. "You know that twenty bucks I owe you?"
"Yes. What about it?"
They all bet each other over stupid things all the time. It was an unwritten rule that all bets got settled with regularity and no welching. And since Eddie usually ended up on the winning side, well then, it was their own fault for taking the bet in the first place.
Chris pulled out his wallet and held up the cash. "The money or the room?"
Eddie pretended to think about it. "Money you already owe me for a room I already occupy? You must think I'm an idiot. I'll take both." He reached for the money and Chris stepped back.
"Make a choice."
JD snickered at this fool hardy move by Chris. He should just give up gracefully because there was no way he was getting the best of Eddie.
It seemed that Nate was taken in by the idea that the money would be too irresistible for Eddie to refuse because he leaned over to whisper to JD, "Bet ya he takes the money."
The opportunity was too good to pass up and JD looked at Joey. You in? he mouthed.
Joey pointed a thumb at Nate, indicating he'd bet on the money too. JD smiled and mouthed Room, knowing it was never simple greed that drove Eddie, like the others seemed to believe.
JD watched as Eddie glanced at the money and then back at the room. "Room," he declared.
"Aha!" JD laughed. "Pay up boys."
"I can't believe he took the room," Nate groused as he handed a five over to JD.
"That's because I'll have the money anyway before the week is out and this way I don't have to share a room with one of you slobs." Eddie laughed and shut the door in Chris' face.
"He's right you know," Joey agreed handing over his five to JD.
"And he insulted us," Nate said.
JD laughed. "A twofer."
In the grand scheme of things, it was better this way - JD would rather room with a cranky Chris than a neat freak like Eddie.
Chris stood there staring at the money in his hand and then started laughing. "Guess he's right on both points." Chris shrugged and turned away from the door. "My fault for giving him a choice."
"Looks like you're stuck with me then," JD laughed. He had to give Chris credit, the guy might have a temper, but he knew when he'd been out maneuvered and held no grudges.
"If you snore, I will hurt you," Chris joked as he entered the third bedroom and tossed his duffel on the far twin bed.
JD made an exaggerated face that implied he was not scared at all.
"This isn't so bad." JD pushed down on the mattress confirming that it would be acceptable. "It's better then the couches the geeks get. Speaking of which…" JD poked his head out into the common room and looked around. "Where'd the slave labor go?"
Chris passed by him to open the front door and looked out upon the empty yard. Shaking his head, he replied, "Already hiking to the lake, if I know my brother."
"Gotta give 'em credit. They were smart enough to disappear before they could be pressed into service," Joey said.
"Well, we wanted them outta our hair," Nate observed.
JD banged on the master bedroom door. "Eddie, get your butt out here and help finish unloading."
The door opened. "Must I?"
"If you want beer, then yes, you must." JD laughed as he dragged the smaller teen out of the cabin.
Mule followed Vin along the trail. "You think they noticed we're gone yet?"
Vin slowed allowing Mule to draw even with him. "Probably."
"They're gonna make us suffer for running out."
"Maybe, but I know all the best hiding places. They have to catch us if they want to hurt us." Vin laughed and picked up the pace.
"So, where are we headed?" Mule scrambled to keep up.
"There's a nice view overlooking the lake about two miles ahead. Figure we go, take a look and by the time we get back they should be unpacked and halfway through the first twelve pack of beer."
Mule smiled. "And too mellow to annoy us."
Vin returned the smile. "How about we go this way?" He pointed to a barely there trail cutting off from the main path to the left. "It's bit longer but the terrain is more interesting and the trail passes through a nice clearing about half a mile in."
Mule shrugged. "It's your backyard, Grizzly Adams. Anything that keeps us away from the brothers is fine by me."
Vin threw an arm out to stop Mule in his tracks.
"What- "
"Shush," Vin hissed as he looked around, a frown on his face. "You hear that?"
Mule cocked his head straining for what had captured Vin's attention. "I don't hear anything."
"Exactly," Vin said. "It's too quiet. No animal sounds… nothing. Come on."
The boys followed the path into the clearing.
"Oh crap!" Mule said, halting at the sight of the ruined campsite in front of them. There were at least two collapsed tents and a variety of belongings strewn about. There was no sign of the campers. "Did a bear do this?"
Vin didn't answer just circled the shredded tents. He knelt down to look at some of the provisions tossed about. "An animal would have gone for the food not the people. None of this stuff has been touched."
Years of trialing after his friend during their outdoor adventures meant Mule trusted Vin's judgment when it came to all things about nature. While Mule preferred the comfort of his technology, they complimented each other well. Vin dragged him into the woods and taught him which plants were edible while Mule showed Vin how to make the internet obey.
Cautiously Mule approached the first tattered tent. Preparing himself for the worst, he tugged at the nylon wondering what tragedy he would find within, but there was no one inside. He held up a section of tent that had been clawed open. "You sure it wasn't a bear?"
Vin stepped next to him to examine the material. "That's not a bear claw. No animal I know can leave such elongated tears. Looks more like someone with a Freddie Krueger fetish."
"You think a person did this?"
Something about the campsite seemed familiar to Mule; not a personal experience, but maybe a story he'd heard once. He looked around trying to understand what was bothering him about the situation, besides the obvious possibility that people had been seriously hurt. He racked his brain trying to force his thoughts into clarity.
Vin continued to examine the campsite. "Looks like at least four people were here," he said as he pointed to the different backpacks in the debris. He walked to the edge of the clearing. "At least two people were dragged off in this direction. But for one guy to do this, he would have to be incredibly strong." He paused to look around again. "And what happened to the other two campers?"
"Maybe they got away?" Mule came to look at the trail that Vin had found.
"Maybe," but he didn't sound too sure. "Something's not right."
He listened to Vin's running commentary about how it couldn't have been one person or any kind of animal. Suddenly a story his dad had told him about one of his first solo hunts with Uncle Dean popped into his head. Now, Mule knew why this all seemed familiar and he really didn't want to hang around and be proven right. "We have to go," he shouted grabbing Vin by the arm to drag him back the way they'd come.
"But these hikers could be injured," Vin protested pointed toward the trail he'd identified. "We should follow and see if we can help."
"NO!" Mule hissed, "We have to get back to the cabin and warn the others." Then they needed to drive away from here very quickly and let his Uncles Dean and Richie handle the Wendigo. But first he had to get Vin to come with him.
Vin stood his ground staring at him. "You know something. What?"
Mule didn't have time for explanations and Vin wouldn't believe him any way. "I don't know anything except I don't want to be some crazy woodsman's next victim."
"HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" The scream split the silence of the clearing.
"Someone's alive," Vin shouted as he took off in the direction of the cries. "We have to help them."
"Vin, no!" Mule shouted as he started after him. "It's a trick. Come back!" Mule raced after his friend. He had no weapons and no plan except the need to get Vin away from here.
Mule slowed when he realized he'd lost sight of Vin. Shit! This was not good. He tried listening for the sound of his friend moving through the forest, but there was nothing. Mule was paralyzed. Did he go forward knowing that he had nothing to fight the Wendigo with? Or go back and tell Chris he'd lost his brother to a cannibalistic creature of myth? There was really no choice. He turned and ran back to the clearing.
So much for turning this one over to the professionals. Vin was taken and there was no way Chris would wait the hours necessary for Uncle Dean to arrive.
Mule tried to move quietly, but he knew if the Wendigo wanted him that he couldn't ever move fast enough to evade it. He found the main trail and ran for all he was worth, praying he made it back before the creature decided he needed a Winchester shaped snack.