Each Must Know His Part (3/6) - Magnificent 7/Highlander AU

May 05, 2009 16:00

Title: Each Must Know His Part (3/6)
Author: strangevisitor7
Fandom/Universe: Magnificent 7; Highlander AU
Beta: ithildyn
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Ezra Standish, Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner and Buck Wilmington - eventually, Josiah Sanchez, Nathan Jackson and JD Dunne. Chris/OFC - Charlotte Sparrow

Summary: An unexpected visitor to Four Corners, forces the men to come to terms with Ezra and Charlotte's Immortality

A/N: This is part of the Aces Immortal series created by me and ithildyn,

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6

Chapter 3

Chris pushed past his men without a word and headed toward the church. He expected all of them to follow without being told. He was furious with Ezra for not convincing the other Immortal to leave, with Charlotte for acting like her Immortal dealings were none of his concern, and with himself for believing that he'd found someone he could never lose.

He flung open the doors to the church, stalked to the front and waited for everyone to file in. He'd have preferred a private conversation with his future relatives, but knew that the others would find out what was going on anyway. Might as well hash it out together.

Maybe they could do what Ezra had not; make this Immortal go away.

He sat down in the front pew waiting for the others to catch up.

Buck plopped down next to him. "So Ezra really gonna fight this guy?"

"Yes, Buck, he is," Charlotte said as she walked to the front of the sanctuary. "And none of you are going to interfere."

Buck turned to look over his shoulder at the gambler who had settled into the pew behind Chris. "You sure about this, Ezra?"

"It's what needs to be done." Ezra pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. "In about one hour, I will take my leave, gentlemen, to face our intruder."

"No you won't," Chris growled without turning around.

"I don't see that it's your concern," Charlotte said. "This is Immortal business."

Chris roared to his feet rounding the pew to face her. "That's bullshit! How can you be so cold? A man you raised like a son is about to lose his head and you act like he's going for a Sunday ride."

"Thank you for that vote of confidence, Chris." Ezra smirked.

"Shut up!" Chris snapped "I'm still angry with you too."

"Ezra is well trained. He should have no problem defeating that odious man."

"How can you be so sure this guy isn't better?" Josiah interrupted. "No offense, Ezra," he added hastily.

The gambler nodded his understanding of the question.

Chris couldn't beleive the matter-of-fact way they were both approaching this. Charlotte could lose Ezra; why didn't that bother her more? It sure as hell bothered him.

"I have found that truly deadly men have no need to boast about their skills." Charlotte stared at Chris. "His arrogance is just a mask for his own insecurities."

Chris thought about her statement knowing it to be true. He was renowned for his skill as a gunfighter; yet, never felt the need to brag or even draw attention to how deadly he truly was. Still, she couldn't be sure and the alternative was unacceptable.

"I have trained Ezra myself," she continued as if sensing Chris' skepticism. "And he has held his own against Methos; one of the most accomplished swordsman I know. Ezra will prevail." Her confidence in her declaration was apparent but Chris wasn't convinced.

"And if Ezra doesn't win?"

"Then I shall face him."

"Like hell you will," Chris barked. "I'll shoot him and take his head myself first. I will not allow you to put yourself in that kind of danger."

"Allow! You have no say in this." Charlotte stepped closer to Chris, her arms folded defiantly across her chest. "You will not interfere in the Game."

"Game!" Chris threw his hands up in frustration. Charlotte had explained this Game to him. There could be only one; it made no sense to Chris. "I don't care about your stupid Game. You are gonna be my wife and I will protect you." Because I failed to protect Sarah, he added silently.

He wanted to grab her and shake some sense into her, but failing that he wanted to just hold her and make her understand why she couldn't do this to him.

Charlotte sagged at his last words. "Chris, you can't protect me from this." Her voice was quieter now.

"Well, I'm damn well gonna try," he said. "I will not lose you too." And there it was, his secret fear laid plain. He was angry he'd let it slip, but how could she not know why he felt so strongly?

He could see her anger fading away replaced with concern for him. She reached to lay a comforting hand on his heart. "I will do everything in my power to ensure you do not have to face what you fear. I have faith that Ezra will defeat this man; there is no need to distress yourself this way."

Chris didn't want to fight and as frustrating as she could be, he could never hold onto his anger when she looked at him that way. He reached up to take hold of her hand, clasping it to his chest as he studied her face. A face he'd fallen in love with, a face he might lose before he really had the chance to be with her because of some foolish ritual.

There was a part of him that was sure Ezra would handle this situation, but what about the next one? What if another Immortal came to town and Ezra wasn't the first one he ran into? Suddenly the idea of her Immortality was no longer the panacea he'd thought when he'd allowed himself to give into his feelings for her. She could die. Just like Sarah, Charlotte could be taken from him and he wasn't sure he was strong enough to face that.

He needed a drink and he needed a plan. One that Charlotte didn't have to know about. She could hate him forever, but at least she would be alive. There was no need to continue this conversation.

Sighing, he brought the hand he was holding to his lips. He would admit defeat at least for now. "I will never understand this, but I ain't gonna argue any more."

She leaned into him. "Thank you."

Kissing the top of her head, he said softly, "You are too damn stubborn. We're going to have to work on that."

He could felt her chuckle against his chest. "I promise to let you win the next argument."

Chris pulled back from her. "I'm gonna hold you to that one."

Buck came up beside him and in a stage whisper said, "Best get that in writing, stud.”

"Buck, I am a woman of my word," Charlotte said with exaggerated indignation.

"No offense, ma'am, but women have a way of forgetting those kinds of promises," he laughed and the other men joined in.

"I think Buck is right." Chris turned to Ezra. "You have a pencil?"

"Chris!" Charlotte chided and playfully smacked him on the shoulder.

He smiled and pulled her close. "Ezra's taught me to always insure my investments with a formal contract."

Charlotte smiled up at him. "I believe I was the one who taught him that."

"True, cousin," Ezra said. "I find it a prudent policy."

As contented as he felt with Charlotte in his arms and his men smiling around him, it was the calm before the storm. This issue with Charlotte and her Immortal nature was not over yet, even if he was willing to let if go for now. Chris looked over at Ezra. "You kill that son of a bitch, you understand me?"

The gambler nodded. "I had no intention of doing otherwise."

Ezra continued to stare at Chris, before his eyes flicked momentarily to Charlotte and then back up again. Chris tilted his head indicating he understood the inquiry and sent a silent promise that he would not play by the rules if Ezra was unsuccessful.

"I have another question," Josiah said.

"Yes, Josiah. What is it you wish to know?" Charlotte asked as she pulled back from Chris' embrace to face the former preacher.

"I was wondering. Will you someday have to challenge Ezra?"

"Of course not," she said.

"But you said they can be only one," JD blurted out. "What if the last two are you and Ez?"

"Hush, JD," Buck said. "Don't go giving 'em any ideas."

Chris had never thought of that. Even though they were Immortal, someday they would all die except the so called winner of the game.

"Should it come down to my cousin and me, I assure you I would cede the prize to her," Ezra said.

"I have little interest in this prize and certainly not at the cost of your life," Charlotte countered.

"Nevertheless," Ezra insisted as he moved toward her. "That is how it shall be." The steel in Ezra's words gave Charlotte pause and the cousins seemed to reach a silent understanding as they stood facing each other.

Chris knew that Ezra would hold to his word. While it didn't mean much in the current situation, he found comfort in the idea that, if it were in his power, Ezra would make sure Charlotte survived.


Vin had wished Ezra luck and headed to his wagon. He left the others gathered on the church steps as they each took their turn offering their support to Ezra.

During the meeting, Chris had given Vin a look and he'd known exactly what the man wanted. Chris was in a tough spot. In order to keep peace with Charlotte, he wasn't in a position to back Ezra up if the duel went south, but Vin was.

Vin paused to look back and noticed that Charlotte had taken Ezra aside to stand in front of the livery, Chaucer was already saddled and ready to go. Vin was too far away to hear the words they exchanged, but he was touched by the love he saw between them. Vin watched as Charlotte pulled Ezra into a fierce embrace. Ezra stepped back, dropped his head in a small nod before running a hand lightly down her arm. Then he mounted his horse and rode away. Chris came up beside her and she sagged into his embrace, but before she could break down completely Chris led her away.

Anyone watching the exchange could see that it was killing Charlotte to be strong and let her cousin...hell son... ride away. Vin was almost embarrassed to have witnessed such a private and emotional goodbye. Visions of his own mother swam before his eyes and he knew there was no way he was going to let Charlotte experience the pain of losing Ezra.

He resumed the trek to his wagon and rooted through his things until he found the rifle. He hadn't touched it since that awful day that Ezra had been shot trying to stop Stutz from killing Mary. The money they'd found on the elder Stutz had gone toward general repairs in the town, helping Josiah finish up his work on the church and building a new school as well as paying the salary for a teacher. Everyone, including Judge Travis, had agreed that was the fair solution since the whole town benefited from the unclaimed money. The Judge had even given them all a small bonus. Then his friends had decided that Vin should have the rifle. Since he protected the town, they'd explained, the fancy gun would go a long way to helping that cause.

He'd felt a little guilty about keeping it considering the big misunderstanding about the money, but even Ezra had insisted it was the right choice. As he pulled the case from its hiding place, he felt the last of that guilt melt away. Now, he might use this killing tool to protect his friend and for the first time he was grateful he'd been gifted the weapon.

Vin headed back to the livery and saw that Buck, JD, Nathan and Josiah were standing abreast in the middle of the street just staring at the direction Ezra had ridden, even though the gambler was long gone from their sight. As Vin came to stand beside Buck, the big man's eyes flicked down to the rifle case and back up.

"You goin' somewhere, Vin?" Buck asked, the grin on his face indicating he knew damn well where Vin was going.

"Figured I’d ride patrol," Vin replied casually. "Maybe do a little huntin' while I'm out."

"Sounds like a good idea," Josiah replied. "You thinkin' you'd like some company?"

Vin shook his head. "Easier to hunt iffen it's just me. All of us goin' out would just scare the game."

He stared at the men in front of him as each nodded their understanding, except JD.

Frowning, the young easterner complained, "But I was wanting to - "

Buck cut him off with a cuff to the back of his head. "No arguing, JD; Vin hunts better alone."

Vin chuckled at the disappointed look on the kid's face. JD had been out many times to watch Charlotte and Ezra spar and he'd obviously wanted to see Ezra fight for real. Vin knew that Buck had cured JD of his romantic notions about gunfights but it looked like the big man would be lecturing the kid about how swordfights were no different.

Buck gestured for Vin to be on his way. "I'll explain it to JD."

"Good hunting, Brother." Josiah said.

"Be careful," Nathan added.

Nodding, Vin headed into the livery relieved that none of the others had tried to come. The solitude allowed him to maintain the illusion of an ordinary patrol If things went sideways and he had to step in, at least none of them would have to lie to Charlotte. Vin was pretty sure she wouldn't be angry at him… well, not too angry.

buck wilmington, vin tanner, mag7, charlotte sparrow (oc), chris larabee, aces immortal, ezra standish, highlander, nathan jackson, josiah sanchez, my fic, jd dunne

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