And What Did You Do During the Apocalypse, Methos? (1/3) - Immortal!Dean Universe

Mar 30, 2009 13:54

Title: And What Did You Do During the Apocalypse, Methos? (1/3)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: The Wonderful and Fabulous Pen37
Rated: PG
Fandom: Firefly, Highlander, Supernatural, Smallville and Magnificent 7 The rest of the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here.
Characters: Methos, Amanda Darieux, Buck Wilmington and OMC - Joseph Winchester
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: Methos has been investigating Alliance medical looking for the source of the Reaver virus. This story switches to his POV.

A/N: I made Buck Wilmington an Immortal in a story I wrote last year and decided he needed to be in this universe. Seriously at this point, what's one more fandom?

A/N: This story is a 'soft of' sequel to By Any Other Name

Chapter list:
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3

And What Did You Do During the Apocalypse, Methos?

Methos was a man on a mission. Ever since he'd received the communiqué from Chloe about the go shi that the demons were up to he'd been using his position inside Alliance medical to find out everything he could about the PAX and what had really happened on Miranda.

He hadn't liked what he'd found out about the demon's plans and he needed to meet with Joseph Winchester, head of the council, and share his information. As he approached the entrance to the headquarters of the Historical Preservation Society, the cover for the Hunter/Watcher council, he felt the Buzz hit him.

Joseph had been recalling all the Immortals to prepare for the coming conflict. Methos hated war but that's what this was going to be. In the old days, before the Winchesters had rewritten the rules with Immortals revealed to be agents for good, it would have been called a Gathering, a chance to thin the herd. Now, when this many Immortals came together in one place it meant it was time to stop the Apocalypse, again.

Methos pushed his way through the ornate glass doors and into the marble lobby.

"Dr. Adams," the receptionist called to him. "Good to see you again. Joseph is expecting you in his office."

"Thank you, Marjorie," Methos replied without breaking stride as he headed for the elevators along the back wall.

The building had to be teaming with Immortals by now and Methos didn't have time for reunions. But luck was not on his side as he spotted a pair of familiar faces.

In the far corner of the lobby, a slim brunette dressed in black leathers had been in conversation with a tall mustachioed man, dressed in the western gear of the outer rim, but upon sensing Methos' arrival they crossed to meet him in front of the elevators.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Buck said smiling as he gathered Methos in a rough bear hug.

"Good to see you again, Buck," he said, disentangling himself from his former student and straightening his suit jacket. "Amanda darling, always a pleasure," he said, embracing the female Immortal.

"Methos, do you know what this is all about?" She asked concern tingeing her voice as she stepped back.

He nodded and reaching around them, he pressed the button for the lift. "And if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with Joseph."

"Must be big to get you to come out an' play," Buck said, a hint of criticism in his tone.

Methos couldn't help but glare at the big man. Buck had been a Browncoat and just like Dean, he'd been disappointed that Methos had sat out the war. As if his participation would have made any difference, Methos thought sourly. He'd always suspected that Buck had taken his inaction personally, though his student would never let that impact their friendship; Buck didn't hold grudges.

"It's not a game," Methos snapped.

"We know that; a gathering hasn't happened in centuries," Amanda said. "How are you involved?"

"More importantly," Buck said. "Why are you involved?"

Where was the damn Elevator? Methos really didn't want to go into this now but Amanda and Buck knew all the Immortal players. They weren't going to stop badgering him until he shared at least some of the details.

"Chloe contacted me."

Buck smiled. "Well that explains it. She still running with Winchester?"

"In spite of her better judgment, yes," Methos said. He missed his sidekick more than he was willing to admit. "They are on their way here."

"It'll be fun to see Chloe again," Amanda fingered the bracelet on her left wrist, a gift from Chloe for a job she'd pulled with her, "- and Dean," she smirked.

"Amanda," Methos warned. He hoped Amanda wouldn't be stupid enough to try to rekindle things with Dean. As much as he'd like to be traveling with Chloe again, he disliked helping repair her broken heart each time she split with the pigheaded hunter. And he hated to admit it, but not only were those two better together, it was better for everyone around them too.

"That was centuries ago." She brushed aside his unspoken concerns with a wave of her hand. "Now come on, spill the rest of the story."

Satisfied that Amanda was sincere, he continued sharing some of what he knew. "Duncan's crew was sent to find some new Immortals. In the process they determined that the PAX that created the Reavers was some sort of demon virus."

Buck whistled. "Always wondered if there was more to those creatures then simple space madness. And then with the vid from Miranda … " he let the rest trail off.

The Alliance could deny their culpability all they wanted, but those in the community knew who was responsible for the Reavers. Now, Methos understood why they'd poisoned Miranda; biological warfare of the demonic kind.

"Chloe told me that Reavers can be exorcised like some kind of mutant demon spawn," Methos explained. "I've been looking for a connection inside Alliance medical."

"And?" Amanda pushed.

"And that is why I'm here to see Joseph." Methos evaded the direct answer. He felt he should report to the council before the rumors started.

"It's Apocalypse time again, isn't it?" Amanda sighed, her good humor gone. "I really hate demons."

Methos loosed a small chuckle. "Who doesn't?" Amanda might put her own self interest first but she always stepped up when needed.

"You said they found new Immortals?" Buck prompted. "How many?"

New Immortals were rare but the appearance of several of their kind at once always seemed to coincide with a rise in demonic activity.

"Chloe didn't go into much detail but it seems they found two Immortals among the crew that sent the signal out about Miranda."

Chloe had been hiding something. Whenever Methos had asked her about the newbies, he could see in her eyes that there was more to the story. Even Duncan had been tight lipped; causing Methos to wonder what was so special about these new Immortals.

The elevator dinged. Seeing an opportunity to escape, he stepped in only to have them both follow.

"If it's this big," Buck came to stand beside Methos, "best we come with you. Might need someone ta watch yer back."

"Or help hurt Joseph if he's in one of his pissy moods," Amanda added with a chuckle.

Methos smiled as the elevator doors closed. Even after six thousand years, it was nice to know he had people he could count on.

buck wilmington, mag7, immortal!dean, supernatural, methos, highlander, joseph winchester (oc), my fic, firefly, amanda darieux, smallville

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