This was bound to happen eventually...

Jul 04, 2009 23:28

You know what happens when nobody discourages my bad ideas? Mikey Way picspams with inter- and intrajournal cross-referencing, fifty-plus pictures and musical interludes happen. Why do you guys never stop me in time??

Fifty-plus pictures! Dial-ups have been warned, alright?

So, for viewers just tuning in, there’s this unicorn-loving, nonsense-speaking, awkward-standing dude that I think is pretty neat.

Hi, Mikey Way!

Having been assured that there’s no such thing as too many Mikeys, I’ve put together this picspam of somewhat ridiculous proportions.

Anyway! Onwards and Mikeywards and all that jazz!

And you can’t touch my brother / And you can’t keep my friends
(My Chemical Romance, ‘Honey, This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us’)

So, Mikey plays bass in this super cool band…

This… um… super cool…

There, that’s better!

MCR generally colour-coordinates so as to quickly locate one another in crowded rooms. Anyway, you already know Mikey's big brother Gerard is the super cool lead singer whom Mikey totally adores…

… and is probably as confused by as the rest of us on a regular basis.

But really. Adores.

Is it because Gerard allows him to babble about Darth Vader into the mike every so often?

Is it because he appreciates the constant source of brotherly cuddles?

Whatever it is, the pair of them are pretty damn endearing in their mutual “My brother is awesome”ness. Never change, dudes. (Because cross-referencing is totally cool, there’s already a Way brothers picspam living in my journal over here.)

And you’re someone who knows someone who knows someone I once knew
(Fall Out Boy, ‘Hum Hallelujah’)

So here’s the thing. Mikey seems to know everybody in the entire universe. He is the Kevin Bacon of bandom.

Names of note include Jepha Howard. And Santa Claus.

And Gabe Saporta. Whom he knows with his tongue, if Gabe is to be believed…

And the entirety of Wentzdom. (For a proper look at that mysterious Summer of Like thing with Pete, this here is the best primer I’ve stumbled across.) And… this spam could get silly if I just keep listing one by one, huh?

Anyway, folks know him!

Folks make googly-eyes at him!

Folks cheerfully invade his apparently non-existent personal bubble!


This seems to have led to the fandom cliché that Mikeyway is kind of a hussy. (Hi, lurking Andy Hurley!)

But in real life he’s happily married to the sexy Alicia Simmons-Way. They like to take pictures together with their pets.

Because they are Just That Awesome. :-D Frankly, I’m just glad the guy has someone looking out for him. Which leads us smoothly to the next topic…

And Blake thinks angels grow when you plant angel dust / He shakes his head and blinks his pretty eyes / But trust me, trust me / He’s no valentine
(Amanda Palmer, ‘Blake Says’)

When MCR was first brought to my attention, I believe my very first impression was “Hey, I like that Mikey fellow! He looks like the thinky type!”

And then people LAUGHED AT ME.

It quickly became apparent that the correct response to a picture like this was not “Oh wow, a man who irons!” but “Ack! Mikey! Is there an adult supervising you?!?”

In other news that makes you go “homg”, consider the fact that he was rooming with Frank in between tours back in the day.

That’s Frank ‘Whoops, I’ve Broken All My Toes And Also The Drummer’ Iero, guys.

And yet, everybody emerged unscathed. Ta-dah!

Despite shattering my delusions of thinkiness, Mikey’s still pretty damn adorable.

It just means I get to laugh more often. And the subject of snickering sneakily brings us to…

We are young and we don’t care / Your dreams and your hopeless hair
(MCR, ‘Give ‘Em Hell, Kid’)

Aside from destroying at Six Degrees Of Bandom, Mikey is commonly known for his, um, unique sense of style.

Now I’m probably not the best to guide you through this, as I suffer from this crazy conviction that he’s perfectly lovely in all his iterations. To effectively sum up the hair issue for you…


*dusts hands* But anyway…

Sometimes he is a thinky-looking hipster type.

He scoffs in the face of dressing for the climate.

He thwarts Gerard’s grand plans for a ‘windswept’ group shot. As do three out of five members of the band, mind you.

Sometimes he goes a bit pirate.

And then we have Black Parade era Mikey. Which kind of makes you go whoa, because the dork-boy cleans up awfully nice.

Really really nice.

Even out of uniform!

He’s had longer hair at other times and, of course, the shirt so as not to forget who he is. Constant vigilance against amnesia, that Mikey!

Also, you’ll note that he’d cannibalized bits of his Black Parade outfit by this point and appears to have worn them until they fell apart. A dude after my own heart! PS - Mikey, your legs are on wrong. Please sort this out before you topple over, okay?

During this era, his ‘step-step forward, step-step backwards’ performance style was supplemented rather dramatically by somebody teaching him the Epic Hair Toss. I suspect Ray, even if he’s wearing Gerard on his shirt. (For my expanded thoughts of the joys of Ray/Mikey, there’s yet another picspam thing over here. I’m a freak.)

Sometimes he also wears Bob on his shirt! :-D But what was I saying?

Right! Hair-toss. Toss, Mikey, toss! You lovely pretty girl.

These days he’s sporting what he seems to be calling a pompadour. It… isn’t, but that’s what he’s calling it.

The moral of this segment: Mikey is often prettiest when he’s not trying at all.

You’re so fucking special / I wish I was special
(Radiohead, ‘Creep’)

Alright, to wrap this up somehow… Fun Fictional Facts about Mikey Way!

Contrary to common belief, Mikeyways do have the ability smile, and do not melt in the sunshine!

He makes kind of a tragic soldier… (“My favourite part was when I died!”)

A somewhat better creepy inexplicable patient type character… (Gerard, your concepts are WEIRD, you nut!)

A highly nommable altar boy…

And an excellent footrest!

Mikey fails rather dramatically at photo competence, which makes looking for pictures of him awfully entertaining.

He also hasn’t figured out how to pose with small children without looking like he’s going to eat them, sadly. :-/

And this is probably my favourite Mikey picture in the universe. “Where is he? There’s no Mikey in that pictOHMYGOD.”

I lied. This one is my favourite. Mikey Way: Thwarted By Luggage!

BUT ANYWAY! Now that I’ve totally lost the plot, I’d better end it here.

The end!

picspam, fangirling, bandom-da-dum-dum, there ain't no sanity clause!

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