A picspam to neutralize the Mondayness of it all!

Apr 06, 2009 16:47

Dial-ups take heed. This one got a little epic on me.

It occurred to me that I’ve done a Frank-spam, a Bob-spam, and two Ray-centric spams… Now who am I missing?

Well, I actually meant your brother, kiddo. But I shall lump the Ways together because I have many many pictures of Mikey. O_o

This’ll be much easier than the Bob-spam, of course, because Ways love cameras.

Anyhow! This tiny pretty fellow is Gerard.

Hi, Gerard!

I’m not gonna lie: despite all my mockery, I think he’s pretty awesome.

He’s done some admirable things, pulled himself out of some less-than-admirable moments, and gosh darn it, people like him!

He’s also Mikey’s older brother. Together THEY FIGHT CRIME!

Well, no, they’re actually kind of dorks.

But, y’know, cute dorks, so we’ll let it slide.

Generally, Gee explains the mysteries of the universe to anyone pointing a camera at him while Mikey gets distracted by sparkly objects…

… more often than you might think.

If at this point you’re wondering why Mikey doesn’t seem to smile very much, it’s because Gerard has all the glee-genes in the family. All of them.

(Or perhaps Mikey is merely biding his time…)

Anyway! Sometimes Gerard seems to get his Mikey-minion mixed up with his Frank-minion a little bit.

Combined with the MCR-issue stage gay, this occasionally leads to interesting moments.

But really, they’re just perfectly normal brothers…

… with a perfectly normal brotherly relationship….

… honest.

Bob will make sure of it.

Occasionally they actually look like brothers. (Yes, Mikey is wearing Bob fanart there.)

The rest of the time they just coordinate their outfits so they can locate each other.

No, really.

No, really.

At other times they seem to have this yin-yang thing going on, which works pretty well

And would make them very easy to draw in black and white.

Watch basically any interview around and you will quickly surmise that Mikey thinks his big brother pretty much walks on water. Awww.

Sometimes he just confuses Gee by summoning cheer on his behalf. *g*

So that’s Mikey and Gerard, doing their honest best to make the rest of the band look mostly normal by comparison…

… and sharing perfectly normal brotherly love.

The end!

picspam, bandom-da-dum-dum

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