Book List

Jan 01, 2008 09:47

What I Read in 2007

Book List - 2007 )

book review, books

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Comments 17

elebridith January 1 2008, 17:41:28 UTC
Just answered your comment to my list and wandered over!
WORD!!! There. I said the word:-) Yes, please, I'd love to hear your take on the others!
Do NOT be ashamed for reading Stephen King! I have read a LOT of his older work, then went into hiatus - is there such thing as a King overload? But as one of my choir buddies insists that I have to read the Dark Tower series, I put them on my "to read"-list... we'll see.
And woo, I actually know some of yours! I'll wait for your comments, and then we'll compare!
*goes and adds "Master and Commander" on "to-read"-list* I liked the movie!(well, Russell Crowe...:-)) Usually that makes me go reading the book, but I somehow missed that one.
See ya later!


strangecreature January 2 2008, 02:02:48 UTC
Ack! You can't possibly want to hear my opinion on every single one of these! I'd be yammering on for days! ;-D Any certain ones in particular you were curious about?

Have suffered it slightly myself this year, I do believe that a Stephen King overdose is entirely possible. *G* (Oh man, but let me just throw in an enormous recommendation for the Gunslinger series. That was one of my 'best picks' from last year's list... I even wound up writing fic for it at one point, I just loved the characters so darn much.)

Hee! You know, I didn't actually realize the 'Master and Commander' movie was even based on a book until I'd seen it twice. And believe it or not, the books are even better, I swear.

Thanks for commenting! :-D It's always a blast to compare book lists!


elebridith January 2 2008, 16:36:45 UTC
Gunslinger series on "to read"-list. Check.
No, not *every* single one, LOL!
I'd like to know if you can recommend numbers 3, 11, 15 and 41 - I heard about them resp. I know the author, so what's your opinion there?
And I'm gonna check your reviews, just saw that you tagged them!
And how did you like "Otherland"?
I have to check some other titles where I'm not sure if I know them - german titles are sometimes completely different. I'll come back later, then...:-)


strangecreature January 3 2008, 00:06:09 UTC
Excellent! *G* The first book is pretty short, but it was 'The Drawing of the Three' that absolutely won me over mainly because I developed a huuuge crush on a completely fictional character, oh dear... X-D

Fragile Things, Neil Gaimen - Gah! Big recommendation! I've read just about everything that Gaimen's written and he hasn't let me down yet. I got the hardcover edition of this one as a gift, but it's out in paperback now too. It's a collection of his short stories, and he always writes a couple paragraphs talking about the individual stories at the beginning of the book, which I just love ( ... )


elebridith January 1 2008, 19:03:28 UTC
Oh, and what is the Giller Prize? Something in a specific category?


strangecreature January 2 2008, 01:52:27 UTC
I suppose I should've explained that, eh? *g* Yup... that's specifically for Canadian authors and happens once a year. It gets short-listed down to five books, and I usually try to read at least the winning book, if not all of 'em. That was actually Vincent Lam's very first novel that he won with, which just blows my mind.


remember_nomore January 1 2008, 20:09:53 UTC
you make me miss my books.... I was like Chuck with all my books. *sob*

You're going to make me hunt the library down...

Since I've been out of the loop, what should I pick up first?


strangecreature January 2 2008, 01:55:04 UTC
Aw! Hie thee hence to a used bookstore and restock! Or a library, like you said. *g*

Hmmm... for a Nora-book, I'd say 'Bang Crunch' by Neil Smith if you can find it. It's a book of short stories, so you can pick it up and put it down whenever you want, and this fellow's brain is just deliciously twisty. Plus, a sweet little slashy love story at one point! *jazz hands* And that's my official Nora-rec. ;-)


remember_nomore January 3 2008, 03:21:51 UTC
I went to l.ook for it today and the woman laughed 'cause it was only 2 days into 08 and it's an 08 publishing... They're strange here.

Anywho, I requested it and they are going to call me when they get it. But I did get a bunch of books and fell back on some of my favorites and I hope you put in 1 of them in your huge list of 50. There's one VC book that I think you might get sucked into with the WTFness.


strangecreature January 3 2008, 21:11:13 UTC
Whoops! He's a Canadian author, so I think it might've been released a bit quicker up here. Who knows?

Eeexcellent! :-D Glad you managed to get your paws on some things to read. (Ooh, which one? Have I read it, I wonder?)


chlare January 3 2008, 04:36:02 UTC
We shall have to squee about Deadly Hallows once I finish it, but other than that, I'm sorry you didn't like the Shipping News. I think that having been my first introduction to Proulx it was like...learning to drive stick before driving an automatic. So to speak. :D

I'm curious to find out how you liked Wicked, Middlesex, The Da Vinci Code, and the Anita Diamante book (I've only read Wicked). I always see her stuff around and I know my SIL has read a bunch of her stuff, but I've never tried it.

Can I also just say, my god, woman you are a prolific reader! That's nearly a book a week. And some of those are huge books! Plus school reading? I don't know where you get all the hours! You don't have a maid and a chef, do you? ;) I promise to keep the time machine secret if you just let me borrow it once in awhile, really!


strangecreature January 3 2008, 21:40:23 UTC
There shall be much squeeing and wailing! I should really re-read that one this year, methinks. (Hee! I thought that I recalled you mentioning 'Shipping News' in a good way... or it might've been my mom talking about the movie. Okay, okay, so someone at some point said something about it... *mourns complete lack of memory ( ... )


chlare January 9 2008, 02:23:07 UTC
Should I re-read the sixth one before delving into the seventh? ( I really liked the Shipping News, but I read it before anything else Proulx, so maybe that makes a difference. I'd recommend seeing the movie...I mean you can't go too wrong with Kevin Spacey, even if the characters didn't make you like them ( ... )


strangecreature January 10 2008, 00:12:16 UTC
I would vote yes, just because the sixth one was pretty darn convoluted. And just to remind oneself what is canon and what is fanon. *g* (Hee! See, this is just ironic, because I rented the movie once and our video machine, like, consumed it. Maybe I should give that a second shot, eh?)

Plus, Oprah liked it. *snerk*

Bwahahaha!! Yes, exactly! The moral of the story is nekkid flogger-happy Bettany, killer monks, and Tom Hanks' very bad hair. X-D

Aha, and I don't even know that Anita. (They actually just released a special 'tenth anniversary' edition of Red Tent, which is pretty. Because that's completely relevant...)

I've got a fair pile growing around here, especially since my wonderful Grandma keeps sending me all these historical romance novels that she's done with... X-D (Fellow blob, fellow blob! You'd think I would've gotten slightly more productive what with the writers strike, but noooo.) Don't you know Dark Alley? It's at the corner of Shady Ave and Sketchy Lane. I shall wear a red flower in my lapel and will refrain ( ... )


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