Book List

Jan 01, 2008 09:47

What I Read in 2007

Book List - 2007 )

book review, books

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strangecreature January 3 2008, 00:06:09 UTC
Excellent! *G* The first book is pretty short, but it was 'The Drawing of the Three' that absolutely won me over mainly because I developed a huuuge crush on a completely fictional character, oh dear... X-D

Fragile Things, Neil Gaimen - Gah! Big recommendation! I've read just about everything that Gaimen's written and he hasn't let me down yet. I got the hardcover edition of this one as a gift, but it's out in paperback now too. It's a collection of his short stories, and he always writes a couple paragraphs talking about the individual stories at the beginning of the book, which I just love.

Hocus Pocus, Kurt Vonnegut - Hmm... he's got a very unique style that'll really mess with your head, which may or may not be considered a good thing. *g* I'm not sure I'd read this one again, but I'll throw a huge rec in for his 'Slaughterhouse-Five' if you haven't already read that one. Very powerful stuff.

'God of Small Things' is definitely one of my favorites this year. See post. ;-)

The Red Tent, Anita Diamant - I just turned this one over to my mom so that she could read it. It's essentially one of the Old Testament stories from the womens' point of view, which was really neat. And the writing style itself was lovely, although things got a little... strange at times? I'd probably like this one even more on a re-read when I knew what was coming.

Otherland! chlare actually insisted that I read this one, and I think we're both kind of humming and hawing over whether to pick up the second volume. *g* The plot was pretty darn convoluted and I found that it started off fairly slow, by when it took off, man, it took off. Seriously big cast though, and a plot that's damned tricky to wrap your brain around.

*pause for breath* And this is me trying to keep my yammering to a minimum, believe it or not! X-D


elebridith January 3 2008, 15:53:03 UTC
Oh, yammer on, I like it!:-)
Neil Gaiman, I only read... is it "Neverwhere"? The London underworld story? Absolutely loved it! On the list...check.
Vonnegut - actually we read "Slaughterhouse Five" in English class at school, and I really loved it. "So it goes" is still a running gag! But yes, he messes with your head. Hm, maybe try the library first for this one.
God of small things - on list. Check.
Red Tent sounds interesting! ...library? Check.
Otherland - I read them all! Yep, started slow, good thing I was warned! By all means, try the second part! Overall, I liked it a lot, but I have to read it again just to be sure I got all plot twists... but I can recommend his "war of the flowers"! No epic, and tends more to fantasy, but very good!


strangecreature January 3 2008, 21:44:50 UTC
That's the one! I really liked 'Neverwhere' too. (Have you seen the Sandman graphic novels by Gaimen? We used to skip chemistry in high school and go in to the city to buy those. *g* Ah, fun times.)

Oh man, I wish we'd done 'Slaughterhouse Five' in school! I know so much of it went right over my head.

Otherland - I read them all!

Ah, excellent! I'll have to pick up the second one and see if I can remember which characters are supposed to be doing what. *g* I'll keep those in mind next time I'm in the bookstore.


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