As promised earlier, here are some season 8 icons... 64 of them, to be exact.
First, another one for the people who aren't impressed by the plot-twist in the latest episode:
Second, here's one to celebrate the launch of a brand new 'ship:
One for the Willow/Tara fans:
As for the rest of the icons: well, a lot of people have been complaining about the lack of resemblance the comic characters have to the original actors. It's even been suggested that they should wear nametags.
I'm a little surprised by this - I mean, honestly, don't you think these two pictures are so alike, it's impossible to tell which is the photo and which is the drawing?
or these?
or these?
Well, OK, maybe there is a slight difference... So, behind the cut you'll find another 50+ character icons from the comic, all clearly marked with their name so you can print them out and keep them next to you when you read the comic. :)
Plus, icons of the four new characters - Leah, Rowena, Satsu and Renée - so you can familiarise yourself with them as well!
(Clues: Leah's Scottish and sarcastic, Rowena's German and wears a baseball cap backwards, Satsu is Japanese and has a quirky fashion sense, and Renée is curly-haired, has a crush on Xander and is possibly already dead.)
Free for distribution and use: please credit me/let me know if you do! Note - Some of the #2 icons came from
killerweasel's scans (the rest directly from images on the Dark Horse website).