Holiday Ficlet 1: Wash/Zoe

Dec 25, 2008 12:03

Here is the first of the holiday ficlets! For antiqueskies, who wanted "Wash/Zoe being cute with the toy dinosaurs."

Title: Travelers
Fandom/pairing: Firefly, Wash/Zoe
Word count: 272

Click! )

fanfic: i wrote some, flist: antiqueskies, holiday: christmas/hanukkah, fandom: firefly

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Comments 16

blienky27 December 25 2008, 19:07:18 UTC
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I was so, so very sad for them, between the discussion about the babies and Serenity, but you made it all better. Also - AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!


stop_theworld December 26 2008, 00:36:07 UTC
So was I! Joss just enjoys crushing hearts. :( But yay, thank you!


hihoplastic December 25 2008, 22:14:01 UTC
Aww, this was so cute! Their voices are so perfect!!! You are brilliant. Hehee, the dinosaur. Classic. ♥!


stop_theworld December 26 2008, 00:34:22 UTC
Thaaaank you Catherine! ♥


ladygarnett December 26 2008, 00:05:25 UTC
Beautifully done. How lovely to see a Wash/Zoe story for Christmas. It made my day even merrier.

Thanks for writing and sharing (thanks to your friend as well!) :)


stop_theworld December 26 2008, 00:33:56 UTC
Thank you very much! Merry Christmas!


krys33 December 26 2008, 01:41:05 UTC
I love them so, so much.

This is adorable. ♥


stop_theworld December 26 2008, 17:07:05 UTC
Thanks! I miss them so much.


(The comment has been removed)

stop_theworld December 27 2008, 04:33:35 UTC
Yay, I am so glad you liked it! Also, Joss crushes souls. :(


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