(This is a repost from about a month ago as per
Good afternoon! I'm hoping someone in this community can help determine if I have a case of plagarism on my hands. From what I can tell, it's not a word-to-word ripoff, but there's enough similarities there that it makes me, the author of the first story, uncomfortable.
I was made aware of this a little while ago by a friend. Another friend then contacted the author, who denied all accusations of stealing. These are in a locked post on my lj; please let me know if you'd like me to unlock it for all to see.
Anyway, here are links to the chapters of the story in question:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6412390/11/A_Second_Chance. The chapter title of the second link listed there is "Stories Writ upon Her Skin", which is actually rather close to one of the stories I wrote that may have been plagarized, "Sonnets Writ in Skin." Screencaps of the two pages are here:
http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g381/IoAenaria/screencaps/. The first posting date for this story that I can find on ff.net is October 19, 2010.
The stories of mine that I feel might have been plagiarized are "Sonnets Writ in Skin" (
http://io-aenaria.livejournal.com/29484.html, originally posted May 1, 2007), "Circles We Trace" (
http://io-aenaria.livejournal.com/32302.html, originally posted November 1, 2007), and "Worth's Unknown" (
http://io-aenaria.livejournal.com/37644.html, originally posted June 16, 2008).
My dilemma is that because what I feel she stole isn't a direct pickup (she took bits and pieces from the above three stories instead of cutting and pasting the entire piece), how much of a case do I have to make a complaint to the ff.net mods against her? I don't want to start kicking up a stink with them unless I'm sure I have a case.
Thank you for your help - this community is a godsend for me!