lovemehumanity, and a possible appearance from
What: A random encounter, some light trolling.
When: Thursday afternoon, 8/9/11
Where: The park
Warnings: nothing right now, will update if necessary.
Curiosity will not cause us to die, only lack of it will~ )
Comments 42
She turned her gaze from him, mirroring his aloof pose. However, she no longer gave him her scrutiny though. He was interesting. Just not interesting enough to merit her effort.
He turned back towards her briefly, lips curved upwards, before returning his attention to the milling individuals around them and the artificial outdoor space they currently occupied, "wouldn't you think?"
Despite his turn, she kept her gaze averted: "Cogito ergo sum, stranger."
Or more specifically, those who displayed the capacity to evolve, once he gave them that small yet decisive push in the right direction; whether that evolution caused them to ascend from the mediocre ( ... )
She arched an eyebrow at him so casually laying claim to so much of the bench but offered no words on the matter. His laughter had even less of an effect on her passive countenance.
"Not a mathematician then."
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