[ open ] i painted your room at midnight

Aug 28, 2011 20:43

Who: keptdown + youuu
What: in which Suzaku realizes looking is futile so he broods chills on Lancelot Albion.
When: n o w.
Where: the... hangar...
Warnings: being Suzaku is suffering clamp flavored angst.

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suzaku kururugi, lelouch lamperouge, nuregami

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Comments 47

lelouch is in ur hangars zeroslate August 29 2011, 01:13:11 UTC
[ No illegal gambling for Lelouch tonight, he's in full "search-for-Nunnally-in-futility" mode. Anyway, he eventually finds himself in the hangar, not really because he expects to find Nunnally there, but because... he really has no place to go to tonight.

Walking around, he eventually finds a familiar mech-- It has the colors of Lancelot but is different in some ways. He stands and stares then, studies it... Fortunately for Suzaku, from where Lelouch is standing, he can't see the brunet... ]


in my hangars spying on my knightmares?? keptdown August 29 2011, 01:19:30 UTC
[ energy wings and all? definitely different, especially after being equipped with FLEIJA once. he's happy that wasn't brought here, but that's not really... anything he wants to think about.

eventually he pushes himself off of Lancelot Albion and runs a hand through his hair, before stepping out into clear sight and mumbling something about this entire situation being positively stupid (and he would be the master of knowing a stupid situation, yes he would). it only takes him a second to glance to the side (notatthatdentnotatthatdent), eyes landing on-

-- on Lelouch. pausing. assessing. and then saying the one thing he can: ] Hey, Lelouch. [ Not Awkward Inc. is calling, they want their Awkward Turtles back. ]


it's for public viewing, dammit! zeroslate August 29 2011, 01:37:05 UTC
[ Awkward Turtles tiiiiieem. Lelouch tries not to, you know, walk away. Gotta face Suzaku like a man. ]


[ Small talk time. ]

This isn't the Air Cavalry model, isn't it?


yeah, sure it is mr. zero B( stealing lloyd's designs for rakshata. shame on you!! keptdown August 29 2011, 01:56:53 UTC
[ if he had walked away, Suzaku would have trailed after him! it's good, though, that Lelouch is still here. makes him smile a little and shake his head. ]

It isn't. This -- [ a gesture of his hand, here. ] -- is Lancelot Albion. It was made specifically for the Knight of Zero.

[ you want to ride around in space in it, don't you Lelouch 8) ]


Lemme know if you want snake or human. bottlesnake August 29 2011, 17:42:36 UTC
[Nuregami had been there to bear witness to Suzaku's outburst of rage as he kicked the wall, and had followed him down to the hangar to see what was wrong. He seemed rather upset... She cautiously approaches his... er... well, she's never seen anything like a Knightmare Frame, but she sees him leaning against it.]

Are you alright?


(thinking) huuuuman, please? ;u; keptdown August 29 2011, 18:12:45 UTC
[ had not even... sensed her following him, so he's surprised when he sees her there, immediately pushing that gaping hole of FML into a deeper place. ]

I'm... [ well. he's not fine. figures there's no point lying. ] I will be, but I'm not right now. I'm wondering how I'm going to break some bad news to my friend, but honestly- no matter how I break it to him, he's still going to try to do something about it.


Sure thing :3 bottlesnake August 29 2011, 18:38:38 UTC
[Ah, was that it? Bad news was never easy to tell anyone...]

I'm sorry to hear that... What sort of news are you trying to tell him?


thank youuu <333! keptdown August 29 2011, 19:23:47 UTC
[ that, and he has love problems b u t those problems are. irrelevant and take little priority over this. ]

That his sister isn't on the ship and hasn't since been on the ship since he was wormholed. [ pfff. ] It was ironic at the time that they would disappear around the same time, but now that he's back he wants to find her.


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