[ open ] i painted your room at midnight

Aug 28, 2011 20:43

Who: keptdown + youuu
What: in which Suzaku realizes looking is futile so he broods chills on Lancelot Albion.
When: n o w.
Where: the... hangar...
Warnings: being Suzaku is suffering clamp flavored angst.

[ he knew looking for Nunnally would garner no results whether she was taken through wormhole or just plain sent home. (the same thing? yes, he reckons it is.) so, after kicking a large dent into one of the walls of the ship (in the hangar no less) and managing to not shatter his shin, he headed straight for Lancelot Albion to calm down.

funny, that: Lancelot Albion had blown up and yet- well. whatever. he's just happy he has it, scaffold, slash harkens, and all. he only tosses one little glance towards that obvious dent (he should have kicked it harder fuuu), before scowling and leaning back against Lancelot. ]

I should have looked when I went to find Lelouch. [ shaking his head and- and looking at the floor, immediately sinking into a familiar hole of FML. ]

suzaku kururugi, lelouch lamperouge, nuregami

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