[OPEN] aftermath of a desking

Apr 06, 2010 00:10

Who: Edward Elric (steelalchemy) and visitors
What: Ed gets to spend the night in the hospital, due to a little INCIDENT in Maka's class. He'd appreciate visitors bearing gifts prefreably
When: April 05, evening
Where: Hospital
Warnings: There will probably be lots of swearing :|

Ed slowly blinked his eyes open. Fuck. Why did his head hurt so much? Oh... right... Gradually, his memory kicked in. He'd been sitting class, listening oh, so intently to Maka and doing his best to just ignore Ling turning around and snarking at Shinjiro behind them. But then WHAM ... nothing.

Lifting his hand to his head, he felt snug but neat bandages wrapped around his head, something he wasn't unfamiliar with. Yep, definitely took something to the head, though what he had no idea yet. Carefully glancing around, as shifting his head too much was just... not pleasant, he noted with a sinking feeling that he was in something that looked suspiciously like a hospital room.

"What the fuck happened..." he muttered to himself.

edward elric

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