I would like to report plagiarism in multiple fandoms by LoveandOtherStuff
The affected fandoms are: Harry Potter, Eureka, Warehouse13, Buffy and Doctor Who.
I have found an original story on ffn to every story posted by LoveandOtherStuff with the exception of 'Better (Harry Potter Fanfiction)' but I might have overlooked something or they might have changed the title (as done with 'Crush').
I have sent a pm to the original authors informing them about the plagiarism and giving them a link to their story on wattpad. So far, only frostykitten has replied. She has now reported LoveandOtherStuff to the wattpad administrators.
inadaze22 is aware of the plagiarising of her story and has reported the plagiarist to wattpad.
The plagiarist sometimes copy-pastes author's notes or even the original author's pen name (see 'Crush'). In one instance they even state: "This is the middle of the fanfiction, if you want to read the begining go to Fanfiction.net" (Your Not Easy to Love)