RP: Not a sound from the pavement

Sep 29, 2007 03:00

Date: 29 September 2005 (wee hours of the morning)
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt
Location: Quiet House on Albus Avenue
Status: Private
Summary: Kingsley jolts awake and considers reading a long overdue letter.
Completion: Complete

Kingsley never returned to Susan's after his Friday night Auror Patrols. Even on nights he knew Severus was likely to be with Remus, like this one so soon after the full moon, Kingsley never went to the farm to sleep after patrol. He was normally too full of thoughts to sleep easily and often too keyed up to settle down and rest quietly.

Tonight was no different.

Or maybe it was. Kingsley had been avoiding Susan as much as possible the past week or so. He knew she had been worried about Severus after receiving a rather cryptic note from Remus. Kingsley knew better than to get caught in the inevitable cross-fire, especially since he couldn't really understand why Susan was still annoyed now that Severus was back and appeared fine.

Well, alright, maybe he could.

They both had abandonment issues. Different ones, but no matter how you colored them, Kingsley and Susan both were afraid of being left behind, left alone, by the people that mattered. Yeah, he understood. He didn't agree with the way she thought a child would solve that problem for her, but he did understand the problem itself. Only too well.

And Kingsley still hadn't figured out why, as much as he wanted Susan, he would still be drawn to Rita. Why couldn't he work that blond man eater out of his system? That thought caused him to bury his face deeper in the pillow to block out the sound of Rita's voice.

You know you want to.

He fisted the covers in his hands, determined not to reach for that fucking French letter in the nightstand. He was not going to read it. Just like he was not going to give into the temptation to see if they could spend any amount of time alone together without making it about sex. Without making it about power. About control... or the lack of it. At least that was what he had convinced himself of on his way home after patrol as he stood in front of the Hillview flats with the withered leaves collecting about his feet. What he convinced himself of before he forced himself to walk away. To walk home.

He convinced himself again as he hung his Auror robes in the closet and stripped down to shower. He even tried to convince himself as he fisted himself to a memory best forgotten. That failed spectacularly in convincing him, considering the memory he selected had included Rita standing in the middle of his bedroom wearing nothing but his shirt, which was much too big for her small frame. Then watching her undo each button one by one, with incredible slowness, saying things in French that sounded so filthy, but so sexy. Watching her let the shirt fall to the floor. Watching her crawl up the bed between his legs and take him deep into her mouth...

You know you want to.

Merlin help him. He did.

september 2005, place: private residence, kingsley shacklebolt

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