RP: Island getaway

Sep 23, 2007 19:01

Date: 23 September 2005
Characters: Mandy Brocklehurst, Zach Smith
Location: Mandy's flat and her family's home in Northumberland
Status: Private
Summary: Mandy needs to check on the wards around her family's home. Zach comes along for help and company.
Completion: Incomplete.

It had felt terribly lonely to visit the deserted place in the spring. This time, she was bringing a friend along for company. )

september 2005, mandy brocklehurst, place: private residence, zacharias smith, place: outside shh

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shh_mandy October 1 2007, 10:16:53 UTC
Hard as it had been to get the words out, it was worth it for the raw despair of lust in Zach's reaction, the whimpered exclamation and the hands tightening on her hips. She felt him try to enter her, but God, this was an awkward angle, and she groaned in frustrated dismay as he slid away repeatedly, then took his hand away from her clit.

Then she felt his fingers slide between her legs from behind, opening her up for his cock that finally found the spot, pressing just inside. He closed both hands on her hips and in the next instant she scrambled with her hands over the window and screamed, reeling as he slammed her down on him at the same time he thrust up, stretching her and filling her with no time for gentle adjustment. She was so wet it didn't hurt, but it was hard and much and fast, it was different from how he usually did this, and she hung her head gasping in near sobs as he immediately pulled back and thrust hard, as she realised there's be no adjustment, this was it and he was making her take it. And she'd never known or ( ... )


shh_mandy October 4 2007, 07:22:24 UTC
"Something did come up," she said, biting the inside of her cheek not to laugh. "I can distinctly remember." She stood watching him, wondering what he had in mind as he got out of the bed and walked across to her, tilted her face up when he angled his head down for a kiss, and then felt him pull at the bra she was holding in one hand. And she was going to do a cheeky little tug-of-war over it, when he said something that made her pause and, staring at him, let him have it.

"My boyfriend?" Her mouth burst into a wide grin and her hand went to her hair, fingering the strands by her face. "You ... you are, yeah? I've not been sure ... what to call it, you know? You've been my friend so long and we've never really talked about it, or said ... and I've never had one before, so I didn't know exactly how you ... know." Her grin grew wider as she bit her lip, dropped her gaze. "So ... I'm a girlfriend now? Your girlfriend ( ... )


shh_zach October 4 2007, 10:53:45 UTC
"That's good you remember," Zach said, grinning. "Means I made an impression." The kiss was sweet and soft and she let go of the bra at once almost.

"Well... yeah," Zach said, looking down at his hands. "If... that's okay? I want to be your boyfriend. Your anything, really." He glanced up at her. "I'm sorry we've not talked about it. We should have. Something like that... yeah, we should have. You should have known, no question." He pulled her close and hugged her, pressing his face against her hair. "Yes. My girlfriend."

He chuckled at her comments about him and he tossed the bra onto the bed, taking her shirt from her and holding it up, letting her slip her arms inside before lifing it over her head and pulling it down gently. "I think I surpass you in the horny department, love. It's a curse," he said, grinning.


shh_mandy October 4 2007, 21:14:52 UTC
She went happily into his arms, loving how he said that. My girlfriend. It made her stomach flip. "You don't have to be sorry," she murmured. "I wasn't really worried or anything. You're my ... Zach. I knew that all along." She sighed. "But ... wow. My boyfriend. I love thinking of you that way. And you can be my anything, too."

"You shouldn't be so sure," she said, smirking at him over the neckline of the shirt as it slipped down over her nose and her chin. "Just because you can't actually see my, um, tingly bits dramatically change size that doesn't mean that I'm less horny than you, Smith." With her shirt tugged down, she suddenly launched herself at him, climbing him and hugging him with arms and legs. "And even if it were true, I'd be more inclined to think of your horniness as a blessing than a curse," she whispered as she kissed him. "Honestly."


shh_zach October 4 2007, 22:20:25 UTC
Zach laughed and caught her, his hands supporting her bum as she wrapped herself around him. "You. Are. Amazing," he said, smiling and kissing her back. He turned and carried her toward the door.

"Do I get to haul you around like this the rest of the day?" he asked, kissing her cheek, her neck. "I could get used to this. Like having you wrapped around me."

He paused beside the door and pressed her gently against the wall, catching her lips and giving her a deep, thorough kiss. "You drive me completely insane, you know that?"


shh_mandy October 5 2007, 11:00:34 UTC
She grinned down at him. "I am?" He made her feel so amazing, she was almost willing to believe it. "Amazingly horny? Or amazingly athletic?" she inquired, clasping hard around him in her four-limbed hug ( ... )


shh_zach October 6 2007, 19:05:28 UTC
"You are," he agreed, grinning back at her. "Amazing all around. So yes to both of those options." She squeezed him harder and he returned the gesture, holding her close to his chest.

"I'm glad to carry you, but no, I don't want a mark on my forehead. I am enough of a dork without adding to the picture." He kissed her nose. "So you walk down the steps and I'll toss you over my shoulder for the rest of the trip, yeah?"

He groaned softly and ground down against her. "I know it will work. You know, you keep saying things like that and we won't make it out for the tour of the island. I'm having enough trouble controling myself without you giving me more ideas. Not that I wasn't already thinking about it." He kissed her throat, nuzzling against her pulse point and breathing in the soft sweet scent of her skin. "It's just easier to keep cool if I don't think that you're thinking about it too. That makes me lose it every time."


shh_mandy October 6 2007, 19:11:22 UTC
"I'm a big dork, too, you know." She kissed his nose right back. "So it all works out. But I still don't want your head to be hurt. And I'll forego the offer of being carried over your shoulder," she said with a snigger. "All my spells would be cast upside down, and your bum would be right in my line of fire. Never mind your head, it would be a tragedy if that fine bum got hurt. Or accidentally warded so I couldn't get my hands on it."

She tightened her arms around him and moaned when she felt the weight of him against her, the hot brush of his lips over her throat. "You can safely assume that most of the time, my mind's going to the same places as yours. I mean ... unless there's a whole load of really outrageous stuff you never let on about, of course," she said, pausing at that thought and blushing. She sighed and stroked his hair as he nuzzled against her neck. "I guess you'd better set me down then," she said reluctantly. "We'll have most of the day to do as we please. Just hang on to that thought."


shh_zach October 6 2007, 20:39:07 UTC
"You are not. You're way too sexy to be a dork. It would be a tragedy for my fine arse to get injured though," he said, grinning and licking her lips, thrusting softly into the vee of her thighs and squeezing her bottom.

"There could be outrageous stuff," he said, grinning at her blush and kissing her throat. "I could be thinking of strapping you down to the kitchen table and pouring syrup all over your breasts. You never can tell with me." He sighed and sat her down on her feet, gently, and then kissed her mouth. "Yes, we do. And I promise I will."


shh_mandy October 6 2007, 22:08:31 UTC
"I'm glad we're in agreement about your arse. I so am a dork though," she sighed, but smiled and stopped arguing when she felt his tongue lick over her lips, tracing just inside her mouth. She was flattered that he thought she was too sexy to be a dork, after all. And he needn't know that just yesterday she'd sung "Dog Save The Queen" to the shelter dogs she'd been walking, down by the river.

"Oh." The small sound came breathed out of her as he sat her down and kissed her softly, as her mind registered what he'd just said and very helpfully processed strapping you down into an image that made her stomach flip, though vaguely glossing over the 'kitchen table' and 'syrup' part. Carefully, she peered up at him. He was watching her with a fond grin. Had he only been teasing, nothing but a throwaway joke, or ( ... )


shh_zach October 6 2007, 22:14:42 UTC
"ou're not. You're amazing. Trust me." He rubbed their noses together and smiled at her.

The little sound she made was so sweet and he grinned but his smile faltered at the rest of her reaction. "Hey... I'd never do anything you didn't want. You know that, right? I mean, if I wanted something and you didn't, all you'd have to do is say the word. Cause if you don't want what I want... then it loses it's appeal to me as well." He hugged her close and kissed her gently. "So no strapping you to the table, and no syrup. I can come up with something else just as outrageous that you'll like. All right?"


shh_mandy October 7 2007, 00:21:51 UTC
A bit confused, and rather flustered, she hugged him tightly back when he held her close, returning his kiss almost absent-mindedly as her mind churned. That meant the idea had appeal to him? Or not? She was quite bewildered now.

"I know you'd never try to pressure me into anything. I, I'm not sure if it has appeal," she blurted, hedging as best she could. "I mean ... not exactly the syrup part, or the table even, but. The, the rest? Maybe I-- but you were just saying it as an example, right?" Her face hot, she nuzzled against his neck. She'd never have pressed the point except it was one of the things she sometimes thought about when she touched herself, all soft focus and involving silk scarves and sweet whispers as he moved gently over her restrained body. The way Zach had said it -- strapped down -- it had put it in sharper focus, made it sound like it could be real.


shh_zach October 7 2007, 00:30:28 UTC
The rest? Zach pulled back and looked at her, raising his eyebrows. "You want me to tie you up?" he blurted, breaking into a grin. "I mean, it was an example but that doesn't mean I didn't think it was a damn hot example." She was blushing and he kissed her cheek, her temple, her forehead.

"So... think on it, yeah? And if you want it too, then I'd fucking love to tie you to the bed and make you come five or six times in a row before I fuck you." He nipped at her lip as her blush deepened. "Good idea? Bad one? What are you thinking?"


shh_mandy October 7 2007, 01:09:09 UTC
He pulled back as though to check her reaction, and his look of surprise as he realised made her try to dive in to his neck to hide again, embarrassed even though his grin of delight told her that he wasn't at all put off by the idea. But he wasn't letting her, stopping her with kisses all over her face until she relaxed and resigned herself to the fact that she had a boyfriend -- a boyfriend, she reminded herself with another stab of happiness -- who wanted nothing more than to fulfill her every sexual longing.

Really, when she thought of it that way, a bit of occasional embarrassment was a very small price that she'd gladly pay.

Still, she kept blushing and squeaking a little as he phrased very bluntly what he'd love to do with her, and her voice was hardly there when she replied because all the air had whooshed out of her lungs on a soft moan. "Uh, um ... good idea. I think. When I feel like I'm about to faint with lust at the idea, that must be good, right? Then you ... you don't think I'm ... ridiculous, or ... depraved for ( ... )


shh_zach October 7 2007, 01:16:21 UTC
Oh the way she moaned. Zach pressed against her, letting his hand slid up over her back, under her shirt, her warm, soft skin feeling like heaven against his palm.

"Oh yeah. Damn good," he murmured, kissing her ear. "God, no, you're gorgeous and sexy and why didn't you say something sooner? I've thought about it. About tying you down, blindfolding you, strapping your ankles to the bedposts to hold you open as I eat you out until you're so wet, until you've came over and over and you're so sensitive it hurts... oh..." He kissed her as requested, hard, pressing his tongue inside her mouth and holding her tight against him. "You drive me insane," he whispered, licking her lips again. "I love it. Love being with you."


shh_mandy October 7 2007, 12:54:55 UTC
"I ... I wasn't sure if you ... well it's not a thing you just say," she tried to explain, breathless as he pressed more heavily against her, hands warm on her bare skin, and he kissed her and told her things that made her whimper aloud, "Yes," and twine her arms around his neck and squirm against him as her stomach twisted with needy heat, said them in that low voice that was just near cracking point with lust and she loved it so much when his voice got like that, saying those sweet dirty things ( ... )


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