RP: Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Wedding Bells Are Ringing

Aug 18, 2007 14:04

Date: 18 August 2005
Characters: Percy Weasley, Morag MacDougal, Bill Weasley, Terry Boot, many other friends and family.
Location: Town Hall, then Roma for the reception
Status: Public
Summary: Percy and Morag finally tie the knot
Completion: Incomplete

Just (About to be) Married )

place: town hall, molly weasley, terry boot, morag macdougal, george weasley, wayne hopkins, roger davies, lavender brown, percy weasley, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, harry potter, minister of magic, august 2005, bill weasley, hermione granger

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Comments 78

shh_bill August 18 2007, 19:37:24 UTC
"It should be," Bill replied looking about the room at the people he recognized and didn't. It was a good turn out relatively speaking.

He looked over at Percy and smiled reassuringly. "It'll be ok. I promise," he said softly, reaching out to squeeze his younger brother's shoulder. "She'll be here and she'll say yes and you'll live happily ever after, the end."


shh_percy August 18 2007, 19:39:35 UTC
"Mmm. Has anyone talked to Mother?" he asked softly, not wanting the other guests to hear. "Will she be here?" Half his anxiety the night before had been on that score. He'd been trying so hard to repair things, and his brothers had been so good and sensible and kind, but his own mother perhaps wouldn't come to his wedding... It didn't bear thinking about.


shh_bill August 18 2007, 19:42:12 UTC
"I... I don't know. I haven't spoken to her in months," he said softly, watching the door and willing their mum to appear if only to keep Percy's day perfect for him. "I wish I could give you a more definitive answer."


shh_harry August 20 2007, 01:21:26 UTC
Harry had barely been home twenty-four hours, and he'd not had a chance to sort through all of his mail yet or send owls to let everyone know he was back. But when he found out that Percy Weasley was getting married-- and married that very day!-- he decided it would be unforgivable not to go. There were a couple of really good things about this, he'd reflected as he'd dug out the new set of dress robes he'd picked up in Uttar Pradesh. The rich 'kinkhwab' robes of red silk and strands of gold woven together were surprisingly lightweight and comfortable, and the young woman he'd purchased them from told him they set off his hair nicely. Either that or they would set fire easily... his grasp of the language was still shaky ( ... )


shh_terry August 18 2007, 19:49:53 UTC
Ben was fidgeting in his royal blue dress robes, pulling the collar away from his throat and dancing from foot to foot. Terry placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him still.

He led Ben closer to Percy and his brothers and waited with them for Morag. "I can go check on her, if you'd like," Terry said, hoping he hadn't interrupted anything. "As the puesdo matron of honor," he laughed at that, "it's my duty to make sure she gets here."

"I wanna come!" Ben insisted, glaring at Percy. He'd been glaring at Percy all morning, and Terry wondered if Ben was jealous. "She's my Miss Morag!" He said that looking right at Percy.

Terry rolled his eyes and sent Percy an apologetic look. "Do you want me to go hurry her along?"


shh_percy August 18 2007, 19:53:01 UTC
Percy leaned on the slim, rather dandyish walking stick he'd replaced his usual cane with for the day. "Thanks, I'd appreciate it. Make sure she hasn't changed her mind, eh?" He laughed, trying to make it sound like a joke instead of a terror.

Looking down at Ben, he chuckled, "She'll be your Mrs. Weasley, after today."


shh_terry August 18 2007, 19:57:39 UTC
Terry nodded, clapping Percy on the shoulder lightly. "No problem. I remember how terrified I was at my wedding to Megan. It gets better." He smirked. "About fifteen minutes after the ceremony. So in an hour from now you'll be fine."

Ben had cocked his head and was looking at Percy oddly. "No. She's Miss Morag," he said firmly, but Terry could tell he was still confused on wedding aspects, and made a note to explain later. "Sometimes she's Princess Morag when we play pretend, but she's not Mrs. Wheezley."

Terry decided that it was time to follow his promise, and took Ben's hand. "Let's go find your Miss Morag, shall we?" he asked, and looked back over at Percy. "We'll be back shortly."


shh_percy August 18 2007, 20:00:46 UTC
Percy laughed, glad for the distraction. "Thanks. We do appreciate everything you've done, Terry. It's good to have you here."

Then he turned back to his brothers, almost instinctively, feeling a deep gratitude for their supportive presence, the kind that didn't really have to be asked for or thanked, but just was. He wondered why he'd never understood before that he was entitled to that.


shh_ron August 18 2007, 20:22:38 UTC
Ron arrived at the town hall with only 15 minutes to spare before the 11 o'clock wedding. He'd bought indigo dress robes, which he hoped wouldn't clash with the rest of the wedding party. He'd chuckled when he heard that Terry Boot was standing up as Morag's witness; it might be the first time he'd heard of having a best man for the bride as well as the groom, but that made a bit more sense than calling Terry the "matron of honour". In any event, Terry looked spiffy and Percy looked quite handsome though nervous in his dove-grey dress robes.

Going up to Percy, he grinned. "Hope I'm not late. Everything okay here? You look really good. Very handsome, like a bloke should on his wedding day."


shh_percy August 18 2007, 20:30:30 UTC
Percy flushed a little at that. "All right, yes. It's nearly time--Terry's just gone to fetch Morag. I've been going mad since last night, worrying. Partially about Mother. Bill says he doesn't know if she's coming." Percy sighed.

He pulled out Morag's wedding ring. "Be careful, mind. I could replace you more cheaply than this." He was partially teasing, though in his straight-faced, Percyish way.


shh_ron August 18 2007, 20:50:00 UTC
"Good to know someone's fetching her," Ron said, glad it wasn't something on his own to-do list. "I wish I could tell you whether Mum's coming but I don't really know. I didn't have a chance to talk to her at Gin's party last weekend."

Ron stared down at the ring in Percy's hand, picking up it gingerly and putting it in a pocket in the seam of his dress robes. "Blimey, that's really pretty. I reckon that cost you more than a few Galleons. I'm sure she'll love it. And you can hex my...hex me all you want if I lose it. Which I won't." He was definitely not going to lose this ring; he had plenty more to lose if he did.


shh_percy August 18 2007, 20:52:52 UTC
Percy sighed a little, then embraced Ron. "Never mind. I'm just glad you're here. And I know you won't lose it, I trust you." He looked around. "I suppose we'll be beginning soon--that's Lavender, isn't it? Very pretty. Ought to marry her. Everyone should be married." He grinned.


shh_wayne August 18 2007, 20:48:22 UTC
It felt strange to wear fancy dress robes instead of normal clothes, but Wayne had a feeling they'd be required at Percy's wedding. So, he pulled out a simple set in a dark blue that still fit well and dressed for the wedding. He arrived early, unlike the stag party, and looked around to see who he recognized. Lots of red hair around, which wasn't surprising.

He made his way to a wall to stand until things really started. Morag would look beautiful, no doubt, and it was fortunate that she wouldn't start teaching until after the honeymoon. She might be too busy for awhile to enjoy the perks of being married.


shh_luna August 19 2007, 01:08:29 UTC
Luna straightened her bright yellow dress robes as she entered the town hall. It didn't seem quite the place for a wedding, she thought idly. If she ever got married, it would need to be outdoors. Of course, marrying at the town hall was very official, and that seemed to suit Percy quite well.

She'd been pleased to recieve his invitation and know that he was well and happy, especially given that the last time she'd really inreacted with Percy had been while they were at war and he was in St. Mungo's as a patient. She smiled to think of him now, marrying the woman he loved with all his friends and family in attendance.

Scanning the seats, she spotted a lot of people she knew and liked. There was an empty seat next to Wayne, and she moved over to it.

"Hello Wayne," she said brightly, hoping he wasn't waiting for someone else. "Do you mind if I sit?"


shh_wayne August 19 2007, 01:14:14 UTC
After Wayne sat down to wait for the wedding start, he looked around curiously and nodded at a few people he knew. He saw Davies come in with Granger and more Weasleys showed up. When someone spoke to him, he glanced up and grinned at Luna.

"Hello, Luna. You look smashing," he said, thinking the yellow suited her quite well. "Very cheery. Go ahead and sit. I'm alone and just people watching until the ceremony starts."


shh_hermione August 18 2007, 21:00:22 UTC
It was difficult to believe that Percy was getting married. It felt like only the other day that he'd helped pull her out of her shell. Hermione credited him with quite a lot that had happened to her since she arrived in Stoatshead Hill, and now he was getting married. It was the first wedding she'd been to since Bill married Fleur, which felt like a lifetime ago.

While she'd worn a normal dress to that wedding, she doubted Percy would accept such a thing. Which meant, she'd had to go buy new dress robes for the wedding. They'd been ridiculously expensive, especially considering they were for one event, but it was a necessary evil. She did like the robes, at least, and thought the blue was a lovely shade.

She smiled at Roger as they arrived at the town hall, squeezing his hand before they stepped inside.


shh_roger August 19 2007, 00:33:55 UTC
Roger squeezed Hermione's hand in return as they went into the town hall. It seemed like a good day to see a new friend get married. He'd never been to a wedding before, so it was a new thing for him. It was good to see all the Weasleys and family friends all there together. He spotted Ron talking to Percy, looking proud to be standing up for his brother ( ... )


shh_hermione August 19 2007, 00:47:53 UTC
"You look very handsome," she whispered, smiling mischievously at Roger before she led him to a couple of empty chairs. After they sat down, she shifted and tugged on the robe. "This material is rather itchy on bare skin."

She looked around curiously, noticing all the flowers and decorations. "It's quite pretty, isn't it?"


shh_roger August 19 2007, 01:01:50 UTC
He ducked his head slightly, his mouth turning slowly up at the corners as he leaned down. "Looking pretty damned good yourself," he whispered back before she led him over to some empty chairs.

At her words, he glanced askance at her, wondering just how much bare skin the material was touching. Best not to think about it now, or about the ways he could relieve her itchiness when he got her home later. "I'll bet," he murmured, clearing his throat when she went on to comment about the decorations. "Er, yeah. Looks great."


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