RP: Getting reacquainted with Stoats

Jul 17, 2007 22:56

Date: 17 July 2005
Characters: Lee Jordan, [others are welcome]
Location: the Streets of Stoats, by the River, where ever Lee's feet take him...
Status: Public places
Summary: Lee wanders town, getting himself reacquainted with the area and the people.
Completion: (In)complete?

Lee really didn't have any destination in mind, he just knew he wanted to get out...it had been so long, too long really, since he'd had the chance to get around )

justin finch-fletchley, place: streets of shh, stan shunpike, lee jordan, july 2005

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Comments 18

shh_stan July 18 2007, 13:18:34 UTC
Stan was making his way toward the Five Alarm, thinking about those exercises and the other things he had read about in those books. No, he didn't make it all the way through both of them - who could with all of that technical jargon and those big words that weren't meant for anyone in their right mind to pronounce?

There was another young man - well, younger than he - approaching the Five Alarm at the same time as Stan. It was someone he hadn't seen around town very much. They arrived at the door at just about the same time. Stan went in first.


shh_lee July 18 2007, 15:29:44 UTC
Lee wondered what his friends may be up to. There was a lot of catching up he needed to do with everyone, and he needed to send out owls to a few people. Ced had sent him a gift, and he'd never gotten around to thanking him for it. He'd have to get him something in return, nothing too complicated, but something decent ( ... )


shh_justin July 18 2007, 19:13:57 UTC
Good Merlin, Justin needed a beer. He was dead tired, just coming out of work, but he decided that one quick drink wouldn't hurt. Perhaps he'd even meet someone at the Five Alarm, since it was about rush hour at the pub.

He hastily apparated, being careless and ending up behind the pub instead of at the front entrance. He rolled his eyes and walked out to the front. There was already a small crowd of witches and wizards heading for the door, so Justin walked a little bit faster to avoid having to wait until they all made it in. He broke into a quick jog, his eye on the small throng, and almost missed the man who opened the front door and held it.

Justin tried to come to a halt, fighting his momentum, but he ended up bumping into the door.

"Oww," Justin felt his forehead after he'd clocked it against the door. No bump, but it would probably color up soon. "I mean, uh, hi."


shh_lee July 18 2007, 19:49:02 UTC
Lee had held the door open while people were coming behind him, but one guy seemed to be in a real hurry, and before Lee thought about it, he'd let the door go. Coincidentally, the bloke pretty much ran into the door.

There was a pretty nice thunk accompanied with the ...collision, but he seemed alright, just...frazzled. There seemed to be a small round mark going pink on his forehead.

Lee's brow jumped up and he vainly attempted to hold back a grin, poorly hiding the chuckle behind his words. "You alright?" Of course, he had to move further into the pub as people were trying to walk around him to exit, and he managed to turn and sidestep people while he reached out to pat the bloke on the shoulder. Lee gave him an inquiring look and put his hands in his pockets.


shh_justin July 19 2007, 03:50:56 UTC
Justin grinned sheepishly. "Er, yeah, Just wanted to, uh, beat the crowd. But looks like I failed and I've got a nice badge of honor to prove it." He touched tenderly at his forehead.

They waited as people filtered in and out through the door, which seemed absurdly small, the more Justin thought about it. He finally managed to get a hold of the door and held it open to let the other bloke in.

"Go ahead. Coordinated people first.".


shh_lee July 19 2007, 03:53:35 UTC
Lee grinned and quirked a brow mischievously. "Yeah. You got a badge of honor alright." With that, he pointed at his own forehead with his pointer, coordinating where the bloke's pink circle was blooming.

"Right about there..." Grinning all the while. Lee glanced around the pub and stuck out his hand, which seemed alittle awkward, but that would be expected, they were strangers to each other. "I'm Lee, were you meeting anyone here?"


shh_justin July 19 2007, 05:12:56 UTC
Justin got his chips and took the crispiest looking one to put aside. He liked to save the best ones for last.

"Magic shoppe as in cauldrons, candles, and other miscellaneous stuff for all your wizarding needs," he grinned. "And that'd be the one, yeah. Just Desserts. I wasn't working there today, that would explain my not being there. The place is wicked, isn't it? What'd you end up getting?"

Lee explained that he'd been gone and had been cleaning. Justin colored slightly. It was like everyone he met since he'd arrived at Stoatshead was trying to get him (or guilt him) into finally fixing up and cleaning out his flat.

"Yeah...I've been gone a few months as well and I still haven't gotten around to cleaning. I'll be getting on that soon. I hope..."

Justin raised an eyebrow. "Ron Weasley works at a printing press? He makes books? Good Merlin, things have certainly changed since our Hogwarts days, haven't they? So what do you think you'll be doing now that you're back, keeping the same job?"


shh_lee July 19 2007, 20:10:33 UTC
Lee let a smile pull at his lips and he looked over at Justin, nodding when he described the shoppe. "That's good then, I don't remember seeing that shoppe around, but I'm glad to hear there is one." He quirked a brow and gestured at Justin. "You did a good advert there too, felt like I was listening to the WWN... almost."

"At Just Desserts? I got a few tins of different things for some friends, thought sweets would do just the trick. That place is nice. Very nice. Felt like a kid when I first walked in there ( ... )


shh_justin July 19 2007, 20:33:54 UTC
Justin laughed. "Yeah? If I can fine-tune my skills maybe I'll go into advertising then."

He ate a few more chips and had some of the beer. "Yeah, first time I walked in I'm pretty sure I drooled all over the floor. It's a wonder that Eloise pitied me enough to hire me that day. You know, I might actually judge her for doing it. I may have slobbered over some of the truffles." He grinned.

"Oh, that's cool," he said when Lee mentioned he'd be staying at the press. "It's good to keep your options open. Loads of people are hiring right now. At this point, you can do anything."

Justin had finished his beer in record time, so he decided it wouldn't hurt to go for another one. He summoned the barkeep and made his order.

"What'd you do for the month you were away?"


shh_lee July 19 2007, 20:55:18 UTC
Lee smiled and nodded before trying a spoonful of soup and he shrugged a shoulder as he licked his lips. "You never know, might come in handy, being able to spout adverts like that."

Mmmm The heat of the broth filled him and helped to ease the churning of his stomach. "Good stew." Lee nodded and swallowed another spoonful before thinking bread might be a good addition.

"Ha! I'm pretty sure you would probably be able to see the impression of my face against the glass at the counter. I was like a man possessed once I walked in there."

He rubbed his eyes and sat back, sobering some as he dug his heels into the legs of the stool. "I was away taking care of my gran; I hadn't heard from her in awhile, and she's a muggle, so she doesn't like the fact that an owl sends my notes." Lee grinned and shrugged helplessly.


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