RP: Getting reacquainted with Stoats

Jul 17, 2007 22:56

Date: 17 July 2005
Characters: Lee Jordan, [others are welcome]
Location: the Streets of Stoats, by the River, where ever Lee's feet take him...
Status: Public places
Summary: Lee wanders town, getting himself reacquainted with the area and the people.
Completion: (In)complete?

Being at his place in Copper Towers was different. Different...as in this morning, when he'd finally woken up, he'd felt as if he'd accidentally stole into someone else's flat. He hadn't heard the crow of a rooster outside, like he would've if he'd been at his Gran's, and he hadn't heard her slow steps carrying from the hall.

Lee had gotten used to things in Bath, which would make sense. He had stayed with his gran for nearly a month, he supposed it was logical to feel like his surroundings were foreign here in Stoats.

One thing he knew for sure though, his flat needed to get cleaned.

His absence had proven bad for 2B,Copper Towers. Dust had gathered on the furniture and floors, the kitchen needed to be wiped down; either from the lack of movement of people or air, things were just not clean and there was a mustiness that had gathered in the air, proof that not a one had been through the flat in quite a while. The whole place would need to be touched, which would work out just fine, since he'd been able to owl Hermione and get things straightened out with her. He'd be returning to Vanateigh Press on Thursday, bright and early, and if it weren't for Hermione - he'd probably surprise Ron to no end. Either way, things seemed to be working out well, which was a relief. Lee couldn't deny the niggling anxiousness he'd felt while writing to Hermione earlier today.
He really had been gone too long, and this hadn't been the first time either, but he knew he'd always put family first and it just couldn't have worked out any other way.

Thankfully, Hermione understood where his priorities lay, because in actuality, after family, work was another very important thing to him. It wasn't just the actual working with his hands and going to a job everyday that was satisfying, but merely the contribution they were making by helping to spread literature into Stoats, and hopefully moreso into the magical community. Yes, it was a plus to get grimy and dirty from working all day and going home sweaty and tired. There was something inately satisfying about getting sweaty and worked up at the job...

Maybe that was a very male thing to say, but he couldn't deny the satisfaction he would feel welling up inside him while heading home from the printing press.

Either way, Lee was very grateful to know he still had a job with Vanateigh. It would be a welcome habit for him to pick up again. Therefore, tomorrow was officially 'clean-up day'. And...'re-stock food day'. Just like the flat needed cleaning, the food needed to be replenished. Everything that had been in the freezer was bad, and Lee had had to conjure a wastebag to get rid of it all. He hadn't had a lot of eating things, but enough to last a little while.

Hopefully he'd be able to get everything done tomorrow. With that in mind, Lee found himself past the bridge over the river on River Road... just a ways from Hill Street.

Feeling his stomach grumble, Lee looked around trying to remember if the Five Alarm was close by. He walked his way across the road towards Hill Street, all along nodding to himself as he thought about what he'd get at the market, along with cleaning supplies. He knew he needed to get that all done tomorrow or else it might not be til the weekend that he'd be able to get things cleaned up and more liveable. Until then though, he'd make his way to a the Five Alarm for a good meal.

justin finch-fletchley, place: streets of shh, stan shunpike, lee jordan, july 2005

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