RP: Book Club Meeting Number Two

Jul 03, 2007 16:58

Date: 3 July 2005
Character(s): Hermione Granger, Roger Davies, Ernie Macmillan, Zach Smith, Orla Quirke, Caradoc Dearborn, Anyone else
Location: The Loft above Bookworm
Status: Public
Summary: Second meeting of the book club
Completion: Incomplete

Second Meeting )

irma pince, zacharias smith, caradoc dearborn, ernie macmillan, place: bookworm, morag macdougal, july 2005, roger davies, orla quirke, hermione granger

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Comments 70

shh_roger July 3 2007, 22:28:59 UTC
Roger returned Hermione's kiss. As no one had arrived yet, he lingered for a bit, and when he pulled back, he walked over to a side table and speared a chunk of cheese on a toothpick. Popping into his mouth, he sent Hermione a grin. Technically, he should probably leave the refreshments until the meeting started, but it was just a chunk of cheese, really. And some punch. Maybe a cracker.

He grinned at Hermione as he walked back to his seat, pausing to pull his dog-eared volume of Byron poems out of his pocket. For good measure, he'd also brought a Dumas novel as he wasn't at all sure he was ready to discuss poetry with a whole group.

He peered at Hermione's book. "I knew you were a romantic."


shh_hermione July 3 2007, 22:34:02 UTC
"Stop eating everything before anyone arrives," she scolded when Roger stole another piece of cheese. "If anyone arrives. God, I can't believe I forgot to send out reminders. Fortunately, I've already added a note to myself for the week before August's meeting."

"It's not my book, Roger," she told him, rolling her eyes. "It's some ridiculous story of a Charms professor pursuing his apprentice. Or perhaps she pursued him. Regardless, it's nonsense in terms of reality, but I can't very well tell the author that sex is far too messy to just sleep after without tidying up or that 'throbbing member' sounds like a dreadful disease instead of arousing. Well, I can but I'd preferred having opinions from a reader fond of the genre instead."

"I have a copy of Peter Pan for trading. What did you bring?"


shh_roger July 3 2007, 22:49:03 UTC
"I couldn't possibly eat everything." He smirked. "At least, not before everyone gets here. And, I'm sure people will start to filter in."

He lifted a brow. "Never had to worry about that problem with Flitwick." Her next words made him chuckle. "Well, that's hot. Don't read much romance, myself, but I'm pretty sure you can go with your gut and edit out the 'throbbing member', as well as all mention of 'manhoods' and 'love channels'."

"I brought the Count of Monte Cristo," he said. "One of my favorites."


shh_ernie July 4 2007, 01:32:49 UTC
Ernie Apparated to the Bookworm. He had to be at work by 8 p.m. Night patrols began later in the summer since it remained light so late. He had a copy of Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets in his pocket, uncertain as to whether anyone would want to read it. Someone had left it laying around Auror Headquarters and, curiosity aroused, he'd picked it up and flipped through it. Mesmerized by the city of Baltimore (in the state of Maryland, in the United States of America) and the detectives who worked in Homicide, he'd devoured it in two days. However, murder, drugs, and rape weren't everyone's cup of tea so who knew if anyone would even trade with him?

He entered the shop and climbed the stairs to the Loft. And once again, Hermione and Roger were the only ones to be seen. At least there wasn't an awkward misunderstanding between Ernie and Hermione this time. He waved and approached them.

"Hello, Hermione, Roger. How've you been?" he said, extending his hand.


shh_hermione July 4 2007, 02:36:46 UTC
Hermione looked up when she heard footsteps on the stairs. She gripped her wand but relaxed when she saw that it was just Ernie.

"Good evening, Ernie," she said, getting to her feet. She kissed his cheek before stepping aside for Roger to shake his hand. "I'm doing well; busier now that Eleanor's gone. I hope she's making good progress on her shop. How are you?"


shh_ernie July 4 2007, 02:43:11 UTC
"I'm well, thank you. Actually on my way to work..." He glanced at his watch. "In an hour or so. And yes, Elle's making good progress on the shop. Hopes to open at the end of the month, I think."

He looked around. "Er...where is everyone?" He didn't think that either Roger or Hermione would be interested in his book. It would be an interesting meeting if it were just the three of them.

"Roger, Eleanor's excited about the work your crew is going to do. And we may even have another worker for you. Her brother might be coming to stay with us. I'm certain he'd rather fetch things on a construction site than help her make soap." He smiled. "He's sixteen."


shh_roger July 4 2007, 03:09:29 UTC
Roger sent Ernie a nod when he entered the loft, standing to shake his hand when Hermione stepped aside. He grinned.

"Hey, Ernie. I've been pretty well. Yeah, we'll be able to start on that soon. I'm glad progress is good otherwise." His smile widened when Ernie mentioned Eleanor's brother. "Well, send him over; I could use all the help I can get. How's work?"


shh_zach July 4 2007, 02:55:47 UTC
Zach walked into the shop and headed for the stairs. He was a bit nervous, wondering if he'd know anyone. This would be so much easier with Mandy here to show him the ropes. But, as Wayne had said, it would be good for him to get out on his own some.

He'd brought a book of poetry, but wasn't sure if that's what he should bring. A book club was probably about fiction. He'd brought along a copy of 'The Haunting of Hill House,' just in case. He was more prepared to actually talk about that anyway. Poetry would be harder.

Reaching the top of the stairs, he saw Roger and Hermione and felt a wave of relief. At least he knew two of the people there.

And of course, Macmillan. He bit back a groan. That's all he needed. Well, nothing for it now. Hopefully the bastard would ignore him.

"Miss Granger," he said, moving to take her hand. "Lovely, as always. Am I early?"


shh_hermione July 4 2007, 03:05:50 UTC
"Mister Smith," she greeted, getting to her feet and walking over to meet him. "This is a pleasant surprise. Welcome to the book club."

"And, no, you're right on time, or possibly a little early. The turnout will probably vary each month, but a few others should be along soon," she explained. "Would you like anything to drink or eat? There's a few things on the refreshment table."


shh_zach July 4 2007, 03:19:15 UTC
He squeezed her hand before releasing it. "Thanks. I'm damn glad to see a few friendly faces. I still don't know too many people here in town."

He looked toward the refreshment table. "I've never been one to turn down free food," he said, grinning. "Do you normally have large turn outs for these things?"


shh_ernie July 4 2007, 03:42:54 UTC
Ernie walked up. "Hermione, sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to say hello." He extended his hand. "Evening, Zach. How are you?" he asked very politely. And then decided to beat him to the punch. "Elle said you stopped by for some soap. Did your friend like it?"


shh_orla July 4 2007, 05:41:31 UTC
Orla entered the shop, feeling a bit more confident that she'd rebembered the correct night by the sound of voices upstairs. She'd perused her shelves, and picked out an anthology of stories by Jack London. She'd heard an American debating his work at uni, and had been intrigued, and had found a volume. It was a bit dog-eared, especially the story, "To light a Fire." Having magic made that story all the more powerful for her, and reminded her not to take anything she has for granted.

She came to the top of the stairs, saw Ernie, Zach, Roger and Hermione and gave a little wave, not wanting to interrupt their conversation, and made her way to the refreshments.


shh_ernie July 4 2007, 12:08:01 UTC
Ernie made his way back to the refreshment table. "Hello, Orla, I'm glad to see you're better," he said as he poured himself a glass of juice. "Hearing it is one thing, seeing it for myself is another."

He sipped at the juice before remembering, "I forgot to bring your book! I'm sorry."


shh_orla July 5 2007, 02:42:57 UTC
Orla smiled at Ernie, taking a few crisps to nibble on. "Thanks. I was a bit of a crank for a few days, but fortunately, few people had to deal with that." She popped one in her mouth, chewed and swallowed. "I perfer seeing myself, though I imagine I was a scary siight for the unwary."

"Oh, don't worry. Are you enjoying it then? Or Eleanor?" She'd still not gotten to officially meet her, but she'd have them over for dinner, so that would help.


shh_ernie July 5 2007, 03:01:58 UTC
Ernie nodded. "I was a bit...worried...when I found you." He'd been scared out of his mind, but he wasn't about to tell her that. "And the book was quite good! I felt a bit badly for Frank. Since he lost his wife and all. But it was very interesting."

He ducked his head. "It's actually sitting on Elle's bedside table. I don't know when she'll get to it, however; she's been working on readying her shop."


shh_caradoc July 4 2007, 07:12:30 UTC
An early morning Floo call this morning from Minerva had led to Caradoc spending his entire day working with a 13 year old who suddenly began having trouble controlling his magic. He was a bit tired, but he had been looking forward to the book club meeting so he quickly cleaned himself up and ate a quick supper to keep his stomach from joining the book discussion.

Before taking the Floo to Bookworm, Caradoc grabbed Magic in the Nineteenth Century, the book he traded with Hermione last meeting, to return. He picked up Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance the book he had chosen for this meeting. Telling Cai he would be back later, perhaps with Irma if she could be convinced to join him, he left for the meeting.

There were a few people milling about and Caradoc headed for Hermione to return her book and thank her for the loan. It had been quite an interesting read.


shh_hermione July 4 2007, 15:59:21 UTC
"It's nice to see you this evening, Caradoc," Hermione said as she left Roger and Zach to talk. "How have you been? Not to talk business during personal time, but have the books you've received so far been what you needed?"

"Also, there's refreshments on the table if you'd like anything."


shh_caradoc July 4 2007, 20:24:16 UTC
"Good evening, Hermione." He smiled. "I've been a bit busy between tutoring and getting the school ready, but it's nice to be of use. We're in good shape, except for the potions texts. Minerva still hasn't finalized the staff, but unless Borage's Advanced Potion-Making and Jigger's Magical Drafts and Potions have fallen out of favor here, I think those would be good assumptions. How have you been?"

He handed her one of the books he had tucked in his arm. "I brought back Magic in the Nineteenth Century. It was a very interesting read. I thought someone else might like a crack at it."


shh_hermione July 4 2007, 20:29:48 UTC
"How are plans for the school coming along? I suppose that everything's in line to open in September for a new school term?" She thought about Snape when he mentioned Potions and wondered again what happened to him since it had been months since he'd been in touch. Hopefully he was still alive and well. "Those two texts would probably be the logical choice for whomever is hired. As for me, I've been well. Working far too many hours and staying busy with too much on my plate, as usual, but I'm trying to take more time off when I can find time."

"Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm afraid that my selection this evening was Peter Pan, a Muggle novel, and an advanced copy of a wizarding romance novel that I'm hoping to convince someone to read who likes that sort of thing for an opinion before final edits."


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