RP: Do you wear socks to Socks?

Jun 05, 2007 17:54

Date: June 5, 2005
Character(s): Ginny Weasley, Adrian Pucey
Location: Observatory Hill, Socks
Status: Private [Adult, Later]
Summary: Adrian takes Ginny out for dinner and home.
Completion: Complete

Just your presence and I second guess my sanity )

place: private residence, place: socks, june 2005, adrian pucey, ginny weasley

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Comments 46

shh_adrian June 5 2007, 17:09:46 UTC
Adrian arrived at Ginny's just a couple of minutes before Seven, having apparated over to be sure he'd be on time. He walked up the stairs to her front door and knocked, taking the time before she answered the door to unbotton his jacket, not wanting to look too formal.

When she answered the door a grin hit his face and and he leaned in for a light hug and a hello. "You look great Red, how are you?"


shh_ginny June 5 2007, 17:35:02 UTC
She felt the wards as she circled the second floor stairwell and smiled to herself as she descended to the first floor, taking a moment to take a deep, steadying breath before opening the door.

Ginny returned his hug with a shy grin, feeling her pulse quicken at his smile, giving her skirt an unconscious tug. "Thanks, I'm fine. Had a good day at work. And you?"


shh_adrian June 5 2007, 17:45:27 UTC
She seemed nervous, which only served to make him even more so, and he watched her hand as she bent a bit to tug at her skirt, his eyes traveling quickly up and down her legs. With a mental shake to stop himself, he answered, "All right - finally getting around separating the library at my family's place. I brought a bunch of the healing texts to the hospital Sunday - it's actually why I was there a tall." He felt a slight blush spread up his neck and to distract himself from the idea of the afternoon they'd spent together in the hospital, he brought a small tin out of his pocket and presented it to her.

"I'd heard you'd gotten a new broom, I saw this in Ang's shop, she said it's some of the best polish out there." He shrugged as if to say it's not much I know... and waited for her reaction. Ang's note had said Gin loved the gift, and while he didn't want her to know it was from him, he wanted to see a reaction for himself.


shh_ginny June 5 2007, 17:59:18 UTC
Ginny glanced up to see him looking at her legs and grinned, loving the blush and slight stammer of his words, her nerves giving way to a warm flush as she thought about Sunday afternoon and then had a rather explicit mental picture of what they might do in his family's library which she tapped down quickly. When he handed her a small tin, she gave him a curious look, nodding in acknowledgement. "Yes, I did. Oh! It's fabulous!"

Her face light up and she grabbed his hand, tugging him into the house with her. She'd left the broom in the living room by her desk and she gave his hand a happy squeeze as she gestured to it. "It's it gorgeous? Honestly, I thought she'd made a mistake sending it but she won't say who sent it. Isn't that odd?"


shh_adrian June 5 2007, 20:52:20 UTC
"Next week sounds good," He said with a kind smile and small nodd of his head - was she really as surprised as she seemed?

When she asked what he'd meant by the toast he dropped his eyes shyly, a fraction, "Forgiveness? Maybe that's a better word. I didn't want to use 'second chances' - not entirely sure if that's what this might be, and besides the fact that I'm pretty sure I've all ready had more than two with you." His voice was steadier than he thought it would be, he'd feared the conversation and thrown himself back into organizing his family's estate since Sunday night with Ginny, trying to think of how it might play out, if at all. He looked back up at her, watching her face, "I don't even know if forgiveness is the right word, I don't know that you would forgive me for how I behaved. Don't know that I deserve it, to be honest."


shh_ginny June 5 2007, 21:09:43 UTC
"You have but the decision was yours, Adrian, and I respected that." She answered easily, folding up her menu and sliding it onto the table. "And I don't regret what happened Sunday but I know it was my fault. I..." Ginny glanced up at him, knowing her cheeks were blushing deeper as she spoke, her voice lowered. "I wanted you. Merlin knows, I still want you but that didn't give me the right to... What I'm trying to say is, I don't want you to feel obligated because of what happened on Sunday, okay?"

She lifted her glass again. "To... what comes next."


shh_adrian June 5 2007, 21:18:23 UTC
Adrian nodded as she spoke, understand everything she said but still struggling to wrap his mind around it. How could she think it was her... 'fault'? How could she think there was anyone to blame? He'd wanted her just as much. Adrian wanted to say these things to her, see if she could possibly understand he felt that Sunday was a breaking point - he felt like he'd finally been able to show her he was going crazy without her - but the thought of saying it made his mouth go dry and he nodded, tipping his glass to a soft 'tink' with her own and taking a sip of the wine.

"I think," he said as he set down his glass and picked up a menu, "dinner. Comes next, that is. And after that, I think I'm hoping you'll let me take you home, and walk you to your door, and maybe even kiss you goodnight." He smiled at her, the knot in his chest getting tighter every time he looked at her, like staring at the sun, he thought, once you started you really couldn't stop for it's beauty and brilliance - but it hurt all the same.


shh_ginny June 5 2007, 21:30:14 UTC
Ginny felt like a weight lifted off her shoulders when he nodded in understanding, relieved that he'd not scoffed at her assumption that he might feel obligated and didn't seem angry with her for what had happened. She remembered some of the softly murmured things he'd said that afternoon but Ginny had put that down to being keyed up.

Taking a sip of her wine, Ginny smiled shyly. "Dinner it is, then, and I do think I can see clear to let you take me home, I mean, my home, and well, the whole walking me to the door we might have to negotiate." She didn't say anything about the kiss because she didn't want to jinx it.


shh_adrian June 8 2007, 17:10:21 UTC
Adrian took a sip of his wine, "Theoretically speaking, I'm curious what a woman who is capable of so many wonderful things may want to do more of, or..." He wasn't sure where the conversation was going but he liked it, "Or maybe what she'd want to try that was new." It was strange to be asking a question like this of Ginny, whom logically he knew he wasn't with anymore, but Adrian couldn't help himself, even without her, he wanted her, needed her in ways he hadn't known he could want or need.


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 17:23:57 UTC
She was sure someone in the restaurant had turned up the heat drastically, feeling light-headed with the famed Gryffindor courage so often attributed to her unjustly as she contemplated what Adrian had said. Her head was saying that she was treading on very dangerous ground and that it would be unwise of her to think of allowing such speculation to continue but her heart and body were saying something rather opposite entirely.

The level of wine left in the glass suddenly took on a different meaning and Ginny rolled the flute around in her hand as she answered. "As long as we're speaking theoretically, I'd have to say that someone might think of a great many things to do, or..." She licked her lips. "very much want to try that were new to them." Ginny reached over and let her fingertips rest lightly on his thigh, tracing a small circle absently.


shh_adrian June 8 2007, 17:46:27 UTC
Adrian had to stop himself from swallowing a strangled gulp as she spoke and then had to calm his breathing down considerably when she began lightly touching his thigh. Her touch - so light and yet so capable of so much more, it drove him to near madness even sitting at a quiet table in plain sight.

Adrian leaned over to Ginny, which wasn't nearly the distance he thought it was and said quietly, "I suppose such ideas could be discussed and... elaborated upon? Perhaps somewhere else?" He sat back up and licked his lips, wanting to kiss her again, taste her again, imagining her lips upon him. He waved to the house elf and handed over muggle money, never taking his eyes from her lips or his attention from the feel of her finger tips gingerly touching him. "I'm ready to work on whatever might be planned for after dinner, of course, it's all theoretical, isn't it?" He had a look in his eyes that said the opposite though - he was thinking very very literally.


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 18:22:43 UTC
Very firmly reminding herself of the fact that they were out in a very public place, Ginny held herself still as he leaned over, his lips mere millimeters from her ear as he spoke. "Were you thinking of such a discussion in the theoretical sense or the real sense? I only ask because it would be rather counterproductive to have such a discussion in only a theoretical sense."

When the elf left, Ginny let her hand drop flat on his thigh. "Whatever might be planned for after dinner, I really hope it isn't what you would consider work. Did you want to walk or apparate home?"


shh_ginny June 11 2007, 16:03:17 UTC
It wasn't until much later, laying entwined together in her bed, a very asleep Adrian holding her tightly that Ginny contemplated all that had happened that evening and how, after a great deal of nervous laughter and a couple of wrong spells, they'd figured out how to do what they both wanted to try and found enjoyment in it, in each other and the trust they had together.

Stroking his curls away from his face, Ginny thought about the look on his face when he'd finally been fully inside her and how his look of awe had been almost angelic. She smirked thinking of the surprise on his face when she'd told him of the other things she wanted to try before crushing her against him in a deep, passionate kiss.

Closing her eyes, Ginny's lips ghosted a smile when Adrian pulled her closer in his sleep for the tenth time and drifted off to sleep.


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