RP: Do you wear socks to Socks?

Jun 05, 2007 17:54

Date: June 5, 2005
Character(s): Ginny Weasley, Adrian Pucey
Location: Observatory Hill, Socks
Status: Private [Adult, Later]
Summary: Adrian takes Ginny out for dinner and home.
Completion: Complete

Just your presence and I second guess my sanity )

place: private residence, place: socks, june 2005, adrian pucey, ginny weasley

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shh_adrian June 8 2007, 17:10:21 UTC
Adrian took a sip of his wine, "Theoretically speaking, I'm curious what a woman who is capable of so many wonderful things may want to do more of, or..." He wasn't sure where the conversation was going but he liked it, "Or maybe what she'd want to try that was new." It was strange to be asking a question like this of Ginny, whom logically he knew he wasn't with anymore, but Adrian couldn't help himself, even without her, he wanted her, needed her in ways he hadn't known he could want or need.


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 17:23:57 UTC
She was sure someone in the restaurant had turned up the heat drastically, feeling light-headed with the famed Gryffindor courage so often attributed to her unjustly as she contemplated what Adrian had said. Her head was saying that she was treading on very dangerous ground and that it would be unwise of her to think of allowing such speculation to continue but her heart and body were saying something rather opposite entirely.

The level of wine left in the glass suddenly took on a different meaning and Ginny rolled the flute around in her hand as she answered. "As long as we're speaking theoretically, I'd have to say that someone might think of a great many things to do, or..." She licked her lips. "very much want to try that were new to them." Ginny reached over and let her fingertips rest lightly on his thigh, tracing a small circle absently.


shh_adrian June 8 2007, 17:46:27 UTC
Adrian had to stop himself from swallowing a strangled gulp as she spoke and then had to calm his breathing down considerably when she began lightly touching his thigh. Her touch - so light and yet so capable of so much more, it drove him to near madness even sitting at a quiet table in plain sight.

Adrian leaned over to Ginny, which wasn't nearly the distance he thought it was and said quietly, "I suppose such ideas could be discussed and... elaborated upon? Perhaps somewhere else?" He sat back up and licked his lips, wanting to kiss her again, taste her again, imagining her lips upon him. He waved to the house elf and handed over muggle money, never taking his eyes from her lips or his attention from the feel of her finger tips gingerly touching him. "I'm ready to work on whatever might be planned for after dinner, of course, it's all theoretical, isn't it?" He had a look in his eyes that said the opposite though - he was thinking very very literally.


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 18:22:43 UTC
Very firmly reminding herself of the fact that they were out in a very public place, Ginny held herself still as he leaned over, his lips mere millimeters from her ear as he spoke. "Were you thinking of such a discussion in the theoretical sense or the real sense? I only ask because it would be rather counterproductive to have such a discussion in only a theoretical sense."

When the elf left, Ginny let her hand drop flat on his thigh. "Whatever might be planned for after dinner, I really hope it isn't what you would consider work. Did you want to walk or apparate home?"


shh_adrian June 8 2007, 18:33:26 UTC
He nodded almost imperceptibly when Ginny asked if he was speaking in the 'real sense'. "Very real." He breathed the words out in a clipped, not very himself manner, but here he was not feeling very much himself at all anyway.

"Apparate. Your place or mine?" He stood and held out a hand for her, "And just so you know, as surely pleasurable any after dinner plans may be, I certainly intend to work very, very hard." The last was said slowly, deliberately; he wanted to make her see how the thought of pleasuring her was what was churning inside him. Just the idea of feeling her so ecstatic was enough to have him flushed just standing there, the warmth creeping through his body.


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 18:49:25 UTC
"Mine." Ginny answered, remembering the state of his flat from Sunday afternoon and although she'd rather have the ability to slip away like she had that evening, she knew that her place likely had more avenues to pursue their imaginations.

Holding her hand out to him, she let him draw her to her feet, pulling her into the light but firm circle of his arm, splaying her hand along the curve of his hip, Ginny grinned slyly at the contented hum from him at her touch. "Far be it for me to sway you from so much... determination." With that, she apparated them both to the wardline of her property.


shh_adrian June 8 2007, 19:03:11 UTC
Adrian blinked and they were at the edge of her property on the Hill, he held her hand and began walking, as she so aptly put, determinedly. Slowing and turning to her he pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her deep, knowing that had he waited much longer his heart or his head might have burst from the wanting.

Kissing her long and hard he finally pulled back but kept her close to his body, "I have to say, I'm dying to hear more about these new things you might have in mind." And he stepped back to walk up to the porch and into the house with a shallow breath, waiting for her answer almost desperately.


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 19:18:12 UTC
Ginny felt dizzy by the time he pulled away from the intoxicating kiss and blinked several times when he began walking again, leading her to her front door without a hint of hesitation. She fumbled with her key but managed to fit it into the lock, turning it with a sigh of relief. The door swung open easily on it's hinges and Ginny stepped inside, spelling the candles lit.

Closing the door behind him, she turned and walked him backwards until he was against the door and she reached up to draw his head down, pressing a hard, deep kiss to his lips as she'd been dying to do all night. Leaning up on her tiptoes, she whispered in his ear. "I think the words you used were 'everyway in the world', Adrian. Why don't we start there and see what we enjoy together?"


shh_adrian June 8 2007, 19:31:38 UTC
When Ginny pressed him against the door and kissed him fiercely, Adrian felt for a moment like he'd stepped into an alternate universe - he was in her house again and for the second time in less than a week she was kissing him hungrily. When she whispered in his ear he purred deeply, quietly, in his chest, the feeling of her breath on his ear making his whole body go tense ( ... )


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 19:56:19 UTC
Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, Ginny pressed kisses to his neck, nuzzling his curls aside as he strode to the sofa and set her down again. The fact that he hadn't wasted time going upstairs was not wasted on her and she watched him take his jacket off with a lazy, hungry gaze. That he inflamed her beyond reason was never in doubt and, lifting her shoulders to help him free the straps of her dress, she thoroughly enjoyed the intense look in his eyes.

She hissed, arching into his hand as it closed over her breast, kneadling with a teasing lightness that hinted at his intent. Ginny knew he was as hot for her as she was for him and growled softly, not wanting to repeat the flaring inferno of Sunday afternoon but aching for more. Reaching up, she tugged his shirt free from his pants and slid her hands beneath the edge, running her fingertips lightly up his sides. Ginny whimpered softly as the rough pad of his thumb brushed firmly across her skin, her eyes pleading. "More."


shh_adrian June 8 2007, 20:06:12 UTC
The feeling of her fingers playing across his skin at his waist pushed his body from tense to aching - he felt the press against his jeans as his arousal grew more intense and he leaned down onto the sofa to be closer. "More?" he asked in a half growl. He wanted her to tell him what he wanted, wanted her to vocalize how she wanted to be taken - roughly, slowly, in new and intricate ways ( ... )


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 20:30:22 UTC
Rescuing her wand from her boot, Ginny deliberately let her leg slide down his as she flicked her wand toward the small wizarding radio sitting on her mantle and the room was filled with a haunting start to the song playing. A smile curled on her lips as she began to sing along softly, moving to help him remove her shirt, letting her wand drop to the floor forgotten.

Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich, Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons, Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont, Denkst Du vielleicht grad' an mich, Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich, Von 99 Luftballons, Und dass sowas von sowas kommtRunning her fingers along the edge of his denims, wanting very much to slip the button at his trim waist free but he scooted out of reach as he drew her dress off. Tilting her head to the side, savoring the warm, wet press of his lips on her neck, Ginny murmured hesitantly, shy but trusting. "I've always wanted to try... from behind there. Unless you wouldn't want to, of course." She was blushing scarlet at the boldness of her implied ( ... )


shh_adrian June 8 2007, 20:40:35 UTC
As Ginny spoke softly to him about her curiosity Adrian had to stop his head from lolling back in anticipation - had she really said what he thought she'd said? It was almost too much to take in at once but the chance wasn't one he was going to let slip by him - he'd been thinking of her round, tight, little arse since the romp in the closet at the hospital. At this thought his hand moved up away from her thigh and around her to the very object of his thoughts - he took her arse in his hand gently and watched her face while beginning to gently massage it. He wanted to gage her reaction and in a moment he'd taken off her panties and stood quickly to relieve himself of his jeans before lying down on her on the couch and finally feeling her body against his ( ... )


shh_ginny June 8 2007, 21:14:00 UTC
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont

Ginny gasped, the hesitation in her gaze fading at his touch and her head dropped back against the cushions, shivering lightly at the way his big hand covered her bottom. She ached to feel his body curled against hers and, as if he could read her mind, he stood and shucked off his jeans.

Sighing with unspoken approval, she stroked her hand down his chest to curl gently around his hard cock, stroking him slowly as his fingers explored, enjoying his touch as she tried to remember the spell that she'd read about in one of Charlie's old Playwizard magazines that supposedly eased the way but Adrian's soft growl that distracted her from those thoughts.


shh_adrian June 11 2007, 13:54:48 UTC
Adrian continued his soft touching and exploration, wanting to make her as comfortable as possible with it all. He kissed her deeply and nearly groaned at the feeling of her hand on his cock, her movement nearly ending him.

He broke their kiss long enough to growl, "Gods, Red, you're killing me you know." He kissed her fiercely again and parted to say, "Need you. Now," between ragged breaths, the want was so much more than he knew he was capable of.


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