OWL: to Robards & Ollivander

Jan 04, 2007 12:00

Date: January 4, 2005
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange, Robards, & Ollivander
Status: Private
Location: Hammerside, Roddy's flat; wherever the owl finds the others.
Summary: Rodolphus has some questions, and he's hoping these men will have the answers.
Completion: Incomplete.

Rodolphus had figured out one thing about town that he could scratch off his mental list. He had figured out how to send mail. Sure, all it really took was borrowing the young wizard Dean's owl, but still, it was one more item to check off. He had learned a few things in his weeks since release, for example, how to make a sandwich. How on Earth did he never know how to make a sandwich? Rodolphus shook his head with a small, sad smile. He didn't want to write the letters he was about it, but he had put them on his list and there wasn't much he could do without the young wizard around, clueless as he knew he was most of the time, and so he sat down with quill and parchment, and wrote.

Mr. Robards,
I know that you probably have not expected to hear from me, but I've a few questions concerning my time in... incapacitated during the war, and I thought that you might be the best wizard to speak to.

First, and foremost, I'm currently residing in the building known as Hammerside, just North of the river, under the supervision of a young wizard named Dean Thomas. He's been kind enough to allow me to stay in one of his flats in exchange for working within his construction company. I'm learning how to do things such as hammer nails, and make straight lines with pencils. It's difficult without magic, as I still don't have my wand, but I thought you should know.

Secondly, speaking of my wand, I wanted to let you know that I will be writing to Mr. Ollivander soon about procuring a new one, however, I would at least like to know what happened to my old one. I can't see it being destroyed as I was almost immediately brought to the side of the authorities when I was incarcerated. Curiosity is getting the best of me though.

I do hope this letter finds you well. I know that have had our obvious differences over the years, but you are, after all, one of the reasons I survived the war at all - had I not been allowed to stay in the system, I would have surely been killed by whichever side found me first. I am not sure if you are directly responsible for that, but I still feel that thanks are in order.

With gratitude,
Rodolphus Thibault Lestrange

Mr. Ollivander:

I would like to set a meeting concerning the design and creation of a new wand, due to the supposed destruction of mine during the war. I would also like tpo discuss bartering or pricing for such an item. Please feel free to contact me via owl, I am currently residing at Hammerside, the flat complex of a Mr. Dean Thomas.

Thank you for you consideration,
R.T. Lestrange

january 2005, ollivander, owl, gawain robards, rodolphus lestrange

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