RP: A Christmas Visit

Dec 21, 2006 14:51

Date: Dec 21, 2004
Characters: Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, (Maire)
Place: Viktor's place
Summary: Cedric makes a little holiday visit.
Status: Private
Completion: Complete

When Cedric had bought little presents for the children at Lockhart's party, he'd remembered Viktor's daughter too. )

cedric diggory, viktor krum, december 2004

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Comments 24

shh_viktor December 21 2006, 21:32:11 UTC
Viktor was busy folding laundry, with Maire's "help." He supposed he could have made it fold itself, only he was more and more mindful of the issue of keeping her familiar with and competent at Muggle ways of doing things, so they were doing things without magic quite a bit. He was doing shirts and trousers. She was in charge of underclothes and socks, which were more of a size and folding requirement her fingers could manage ( ... )


shh_cedric December 21 2006, 23:37:25 UTC
"Yes, I am Cedric," Cedric said to the little girl staring up at him with a mixture of curiosity and almost triumph. "And you are Maire."

He smiled at Viktor, who looked a bit ... frazzled. "Bad time?" he asked. "I can come back later. I'd have Flooed first, but well." He shrugged and offered an apologetic smile.


shh_viktor December 21 2006, 23:48:35 UTC
"No," Viktor said quickly. "Is not bad time, I am just explaining at Maire, of not open door with crash at wall. Is, I guess, only explaining lasts five second. Perhaps six." He set his hand on Maire's head, and she looked at him. "Maybe you are walk back so Cedric is come in?"

She stepped back. "Cedric, ye should come in now," she said.

Viktor looked back up at Cedric. "Unless you are not want come in. Perhaps you are only stop at door."

Maire scowled. "He has packages! Why would he come with packages, if he didn't mean to come in?"


shh_cedric December 21 2006, 23:55:20 UTC
Cedric couldn't help grinning at the girl, although that might only be encouraging her. Still, she was as cute as a bug's ear. "No, no, I can come in. I came to bring some things."

Smiling at Maire, he slipped in the door past her, using a Scourgify spell to clean his shoes and slipping off his cloak. Today, for some reason, he'd actually put on trousers and proper robes, although he wasn't sure why except that he hadn't worn them in ages and he didn't have to go out into Muggle society.


shh_viktor December 22 2006, 01:57:43 UTC
"I want milk," Maire said. "I haven't learned any, but Da says he'll help me and we can see lots of places." She wasn't concerned, and Viktor grinned.

"But, we will work to have some important word. Word-s. Just if you are need." He brough the coffee back to the table with sugar, cream, and Maire's milk, gesturing for Cedric to make his how he liked it. "Toronto is very far," he said. "Is probably very exhausting travel. Is good you are get several days, for not have to go, and go back in morning."


shh_cedric December 22 2006, 02:17:44 UTC
Cedric chuckled. "Yeah. It's a bit tiring. Mostly because of all the inbetween. I actually have to go from here to France, to the Paris Ministry, to get that portkey over the Atlantic, and theirs goes to Montreal, not Ottawa or Toronto. So I have to apparate then into Toronto. So it's essentially two extra stops. Not that big a deal, but enough. The worst is the Atlantic portkey. Normally, I do all right with them, but that one's quite a long trip, and it makes me sick to my stomach. Not an uncommon problem, apparently. I'm tempted to try flying on a Muggle plane sometime, to see if that's any better ( ... )


shh_viktor December 22 2006, 02:26:28 UTC
"I have hear, travel since Muggle disaster, is being very restrict, but as I have not ever try with travel this way, is being difficult that I can imagine this." Viktor drank from his own cup and looked at Maire. "Maire, what are you think? Do you like Toronto Pellets flag?"

She blew bubbles in her milk until he stopped that with a Look. "I think a moose," she said, giggling.

"I am think, you have pony, and Cedric is not carry moose without have squash very flat of Cedric. Then, he is bring nothing. Perhaps we are stick with maple syrup. For waffle."

"Ooh! I like waffles!"

"I am remember this," Viktor said. "I am notice, when you eat four."


shh_cedric December 22 2006, 02:53:35 UTC
Cedric smiled at the notion of such a small thing eating four waffles. "Maple syrup is sort of the joke, coming out of Canada," he told Viktor.

And to Maire, "Actually, I was teasing your father, about the moose. I'm afraid a moose wouldn't be very happy in Devon, away from its family -- its herd -- just like you would be sad if you had to live away from your mum or your dad, yeah? But one of the boxes I'm bringing back has loads of pictures in it that I took, and there are some pictures in there of wild moose. They're Muggle pictures, so they don't move, but you can see what a real moose looks like out in the forest."

He glanced up at Viktor. "They were pretty tame moose, so they let me get fairly close. I don't take very good pictures of people, but I like taking pictures of landscapes and animals." His mother painted; he liked to take pictures even if he wasn't especially good at it.

"What are your favorite animals?" he asked Maire. "I like birds of prey -- eagles, hawks, falcons, that sort of thing. I like cats too."


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