RP: Home Sweet Home

Nov 05, 2006 18:33

Date: November 5th 2004
Characters: Lavender Brown, Gabrielle Delacour, Oliver Wood.
Location: Copper Towers
Status: Public
Summary: Lavender gets home after her shift at the hospital. Time for a little celebration?
Completion: Complete

Legs aching from hours on her feet at the hospital... )

place: private residence, gabrielle delacour, november 2004, oliver wood, lavender brown

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Comments 43

shh_gabrielle November 5 2006, 18:58:47 UTC
"Zo... eet ees true, zen?" Gabrielle asked softly from behind Lavender, hoping that the other woman would understand her through the French witch's thick accent. Her voice was slightly rusty with disuse, and normally she wouldn't've approached anyone at anytime unless it was to dip her fingers in their pocket, but if Voldemort was dead then maybe it was okay- this time.

And it didn't hurt that the witch in front of her was in hospital robes, declaring her status as a Healer or Mediwitch. Gabrielle had a bit of a soft spot for Healers after one had saved her life in the aftermath of Nice.

"'e ees... dead?" Gabrielle's voice cracked on the word, "Just like zat?"


shh_lavender November 5 2006, 19:04:37 UTC
Lavender started in surprise at the sound of the voice, the soft speech nearly lost under the popping of fireworks. She turned and then smiled warmly when she saw a young girl looking at her.

"Pardon? Oh. You mean is You-Know-Who gone?" She bit her lip: it surprised her that there was someone who didn't know. "Yes. That's what they're saying. No-one seems to know how it happened, though."


shh_gabrielle November 5 2006, 19:14:32 UTC
"I 'ad 'eard, but zhere are zo many rumours, I ignore most of zhem," Gabrielle shook her head in disbelief, laughing softly, "Ze... what do zhey call zhem, ze Trio? Ze Trio killed 'im, zhen?"

She hadn't spoken this much in years, but she ignored the slight pain and allowed herself to smile. Dead. The bastard was dead.


shh_lavender November 5 2006, 19:20:49 UTC
"Yeah, I suppose that is what people call them." Lavender smiled, remembering back to her school days. "I expect they did something, but I honestly don't know what. No-one's seen them for seven years!"

She studied the girl carefully, sure that there was something not quite right. "Are you alright?" she asked gently.


shh_oliver November 6 2006, 01:37:19 UTC
Oliver had been out and about most of the morning, trying to find something to occupy his time. He'd eventually given up and stared at some of the boxes in his flat before deciding to hell with it all and going back to bed. He awoke and it was dark- it took him a few moments to remember where he was. Ho hum. What to do, what to do? Perhaps he'd go for a walk.

Ten minutes later, he'd grabbed his shoes, wand, and wallet. He tugged his shoes and a coat on and ambled downstairs, humming to himself. His attention again strayed, his gaze up at the sky as he stepped outside, tripping down the last step and right into somebody.

"Bugger all!" he exclaimed. "I am so sorry." He straightened and looked down, wanting to make sure the woman was alright.


shh_lavender November 6 2006, 10:22:46 UTC
Feeling a little confused by her encounter with Gabrielle, Lavender turned to go into the building after she said goodbye. Shaking her head, she tucked her hair behind her ear, starting up the steps only to bump into someone.

"Oh!" Lavender wobbled a couple of steps to the side, trying to steady her balance. She laughed as the wizard apologised, looking up at him. "No, it's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going."


shh_oliver November 6 2006, 14:18:11 UTC
Oliver reached for her elbow as she wobbled. He couldn't help but smile as she laughed and he dropped his hand once she was firmly back on her feet. Oliver glanced over his shoulder at the steps and then looked back at the girl.

"I tripped," he admitted a bit sheepishly. "You'd think at twenty-eight years old, one would know how to use the stairs, but apparently not." He shook his head and smiled brightly, offering a hand. "Hi. I'm Oliver."


shh_lavender November 6 2006, 14:23:28 UTC
Lavender giggled. "Stairs can be tricky little buggers sometimes," she agreed, taking his hand. "I'm Lavender."

She looked up at the building. "Have you just moved in? I don't remember seeing you around before."


shh_oliver November 9 2006, 01:28:57 UTC
"Not just you," Oliver assured her as he stepped in behind her. He had no idea how it all happened, but he didn't think that much mattered at the moment. All that was really important was that Voldemort was gone, and people could begin to get on with their lives.

He returned her smile as he moved back to her side once they reached the bar. "Do you want to stay at the bar, or move to a table after we get our drinks?"


shh_lavender November 9 2006, 01:35:35 UTC
"I think there's a free table over there," Lavender said, glancing over her shoulder. "Might as well get a table if we can."

She turned back to the bar, smiling brightly at the barmaid. Lavender ordered her drink, fishing in her handbag for something to pay with. Perhaps now that the war was over the monetary situation would get better.

Drink in hand, Lavender moved to the side to let Oliver order his.


shh_oliver November 9 2006, 01:40:02 UTC
Oliver reached a hand out to stop her when she started digging through her bag. "Its on me," he said before turning to the barmaid and placing his order. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out enough to cover their drinks before the girl handed him his drink and he turned, his fingers lightly on Lavender's elbow to lead her back to the free table.

Once there, he pulled the seat out for her before taking his own seat and settling down. He looked about the place. "Is it usually this busy at night, or is it just the celebration?"


shh_lavender November 9 2006, 14:24:38 UTC
"Oh, thank you." Lavender smiled, surprised but pleased by his generosity. It proved to be a good thing, though, as Lavender hadn't planned to go out straight after work.

She blushed as Oliver pulled out her seat: hopefully, it was too dark in the pub to show. "No, not normally this busy," she confirmed, shaking her head. Taking a sip of her drink, she added, "I kind of like it, though. It reminds me of Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade."


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