RP: Home Sweet Home

Nov 05, 2006 18:33

Date: November 5th 2004
Characters: Lavender Brown, Gabrielle Delacour, Oliver Wood.
Location: Copper Towers
Status: Public
Summary: Lavender gets home after her shift at the hospital. Time for a little celebration?
Completion: Complete

Legs aching from hours on her feet at the hospital... )

place: private residence, gabrielle delacour, november 2004, oliver wood, lavender brown

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shh_oliver November 6 2006, 01:37:19 UTC
Oliver had been out and about most of the morning, trying to find something to occupy his time. He'd eventually given up and stared at some of the boxes in his flat before deciding to hell with it all and going back to bed. He awoke and it was dark- it took him a few moments to remember where he was. Ho hum. What to do, what to do? Perhaps he'd go for a walk.

Ten minutes later, he'd grabbed his shoes, wand, and wallet. He tugged his shoes and a coat on and ambled downstairs, humming to himself. His attention again strayed, his gaze up at the sky as he stepped outside, tripping down the last step and right into somebody.

"Bugger all!" he exclaimed. "I am so sorry." He straightened and looked down, wanting to make sure the woman was alright.


shh_lavender November 6 2006, 10:22:46 UTC
Feeling a little confused by her encounter with Gabrielle, Lavender turned to go into the building after she said goodbye. Shaking her head, she tucked her hair behind her ear, starting up the steps only to bump into someone.

"Oh!" Lavender wobbled a couple of steps to the side, trying to steady her balance. She laughed as the wizard apologised, looking up at him. "No, it's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going."


shh_oliver November 6 2006, 14:18:11 UTC
Oliver reached for her elbow as she wobbled. He couldn't help but smile as she laughed and he dropped his hand once she was firmly back on her feet. Oliver glanced over his shoulder at the steps and then looked back at the girl.

"I tripped," he admitted a bit sheepishly. "You'd think at twenty-eight years old, one would know how to use the stairs, but apparently not." He shook his head and smiled brightly, offering a hand. "Hi. I'm Oliver."


shh_lavender November 6 2006, 14:23:28 UTC
Lavender giggled. "Stairs can be tricky little buggers sometimes," she agreed, taking his hand. "I'm Lavender."

She looked up at the building. "Have you just moved in? I don't remember seeing you around before."


shh_oliver November 6 2006, 16:40:25 UTC
"It's lovely to meet you, Lavender," Oliver replied, shaking her hand and releasing it, taking half a step back. He didn't want to invade her personal space or anything. Hooking his thumbs in his belt loops, he glanced up at the building.

"About a week ago. I'm down in 1C, and I've been kind of in and out.."


shh_lavender November 6 2006, 17:57:46 UTC
Lavender hitched her handbag up onto her shoulder; it had slipped when she had bumped into Oliver. "Nice to meet you, too."

She followed his gaze up to the building, nodding. "That's great. I'm on the third floor - I think I've got the floor to myself at the moment," she added with a smile. "It's nice to see the building getting getting a bit more life."


shh_oliver November 6 2006, 18:32:24 UTC
He smiled brightly. "Lucky you! I've got the infamous Weasley twins on my floor, so life is bound to be interesting.." He raked his fingers through his hair and looked back to her.

"It seems like a nice place," he commented. Then he shifted his weight and stuck his hand in his coat pocket. "Well, um," he started. "Can I buy you a drink or something, since I practically ran you over? If you're not busy, of course.."


shh_lavender November 6 2006, 19:02:42 UTC
"Oh, I'm sure it will be. I remember they were awful in school."

Lavender grinned, blushing slightly at the invitation: she hadn't been expecting that. "No, I'm not busy. I'd finished work." She bit her lip, the shy way that Oliver was moving incredibly endearing. "A drink sounds lovely," she agreed.


shh_oliver November 6 2006, 19:43:56 UTC
"I don't know about awful," Oliver replied, tilting his head. He paused and thought about what he had just said. "Okay, maybe awful. Sometimes. They're not all too bad. And they can be funny, if bloody annoying sometimes.."

"Wonderful!" he exclaimed, stepping back and giving an exaggerated bow before offering his arm. "Any ideas as to where you'd like to go?"


shh_lavender November 7 2006, 11:41:41 UTC
"Okay, so only sometimes. They were responsible for some pretty good post-Quidditch parties in the common room." She quickly turned her head to look up at him. "That's where I recognise you from. You were Quidditch Captain, weren't you?"

Lavender linked her arm with Oliver's, the slight nagging feeling that she knew him from somewhere subsiding. "Um, I don't mind where we go. Everywhere's bound to be busy, so seeing as you asked I'll let you pick."


shh_oliver November 7 2006, 14:09:39 UTC
"That would be me," he replied amicably. "Oliver Wood, at your service." He smiled and began to lead her down the sidewalk.

"Well!" His mind raced through their options. "There's always the Five Alarm. Or..If you're hungry, we could check out Socks. Or there's always the Muggle side of town, if you're interested." He really had no idea as to where they should go- he hadn't exactly thought that far ahead.


shh_lavender November 7 2006, 14:34:11 UTC
"Mmm. The Five Alarm sounds fine to me. I'm not really that hungry - I ate during my shift." Lavender pulled a face. "Hospital food isn't that brilliant but it fills you up."

She grinned up at him, fireworks scuttling across the sky overhead. "So what brings you to Stoatshead Hill?" she asked conversationally. People seemed to be drawn to the place from all over the country, so it was always a good way to start talking.


shh_oliver November 7 2006, 18:32:01 UTC
"Ah, so you're a healer, then?" Oliver asked, laughing a little as she made a face. "I'll have to keep that in mind." He was sometimes prone to silly accidents and the like.

He looked up as a series of fireworks went off, colouring the sky in blues and reds. "I thought it might be a good way to get back into the Wizarding World," he said. "I spent most of the war back home in Scotland.."


shh_lavender November 7 2006, 18:43:59 UTC
"Mediwitch," Lavender corrected. She giggled, a little embarrassed by mostly pleased that he would make that mistake. "Never quite got the grades to be a Healer."

She nodded. "Scotland? That's cool. My dad's Scottish, actually, but I haven't been up there for years." Lavender shrugged. "I've been living here for about a year."


shh_oliver November 7 2006, 18:51:58 UTC
"That's still gotta be pretty interesting," he commented. "I mean, I don't imagine you'd see the exact same things every day..?"

He smiled brightly. "I love it up there. I only just got in about a week ago. I'm liking it down here so far, though."


shh_lavender November 7 2006, 19:02:11 UTC
"No, I suppose I don't." Lavender thought back to her last shift. "Although I've spend the last few hours patching up drunken wizards and administering Sobering Charms." She laughed. "Still, that's better than with war injuries."

Nodding, Lavender grinned. "Scotland's lovely. Haven't really had any excuse to go up there recently, though. Stoatshead is lovely, too," she added. "Quiet, I suppose, but considering we've just finished a war that's nice."


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