The New Zealand Chronicles: Part IV, Chapter Twenty-Six

Apr 04, 2007 17:56

Title: Chapter Twenty-Six: Spectacular Mistakes
Word Count: 5,789

I had the worst time with this chapter! Uh. These realization moments are so hard to write.
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the new zealand chronicles, harry/ginny, fan fiction

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Comments 57

j_daisy April 4 2007, 21:50:02 UTC
Awww, I'm all teary now! That was great and really well-written. You always say that you have a hard time with chapters and you put 'unbeta-ed' as a warning, but really, you make it look so easy. The shifts from fluffy to serious moments are seemingly seamless (say that five times fast), and everything just flows very well. *applauds*


stmargarets April 4 2007, 22:37:41 UTC
Oh, thanks. I had a hard time worrying I was making it too neat and pat, but then I worried it wasn't understandable. LOL. You know, I didn't want to live up the title of this chapter!

I'm glad the transitions worked - I had these scenes in different order and I kept switching them around. *headdesk* Hopefully the next chapter won't be so difficult!


amamama April 4 2007, 22:16:47 UTC
Oh, this is just gorgeous. The way Ginny is peeling herself like an onion and revealing the centre and it's importance in her life. Well, now she's found it and confronted it, she'll find a way of diminishing it. Harry's finishing words were the best, he really is a dear.

Also, Harry's understanding of the Ron/Hermione dynamics is stunning. He's so spot on only a true friend can be. And it makes me giddy with anticipation for Ron the Builder.

Hezzie and Niall - so you're going for them, eh? While I think they'd make a wonderful couple, I'm wondering a bit about dear old Healer Jones. Are you just aiming to make the brake-up and the make-up even more spectaculer? Or is there someone special, someone other, lurking in the corners for Kenny? It's bound to be fluff, anyway. You are the queen of fluff, after all. *wink*

Have a glorious Easter - we're enjoying several days off. Apart from the food makets, most stores are closed on Saturday, which makes this a 5-day break.



stmargarets April 4 2007, 22:41:10 UTC
An onion is exactly it! I would imagine with a real timeline it would take Ginny a few years until she got to this point with revealing herself to Harry - but I had to speed up the process for fiction. I don't know how "controversial" Ginny's "weakness" will be. A lot of readers don't like being reminded of Chamber!Ginny - but that experience had to have stayed with her in one form or another.

LOL - Harry has been the observer of R/Hr all along - and they both miss him terribly in Ron the Builder.


amamama April 5 2007, 15:01:20 UTC
We have a saying here in the land of fjords - my knowledge is like an onion, it can be peeled off layer by layer, and what is revealed is to cry for. *grins* I thought it was a good picture for Ginny's fears.


yellowitchgrl April 4 2007, 22:20:50 UTC
For not having read anything before this, I'm really not lost. Well done on that. I mean, I started reading like 10ish chapters ago (maybe more) and I'm keeping pace just fine.

This was a very, very sweet chapter. I thoroughly enjoyed their interactions together and apart from H/G, I'm waiting to see if Hezzie's going to make a spectacular mess of her life (many women do over wanting a baby) or how long it will take her to get back with Kenny.

Another great chapter, full of action, romance and fluff :-)


stmargarets April 4 2007, 22:42:34 UTC
It's true about the wish for babies - because they're only babies for a short time and then you have . . . the rest of your life. I have a plan for her, don't you worry!


sas33 April 4 2007, 22:32:38 UTC
I agree with j_daisy you always make it look so easy!

I'm glad Ginny admitted her weak spot to Harry, it'll help him to understand her reactions and hopefully calm down her more 'dangerous' ideas hehe.

Poor Harry - from his conversation with Ron to him feeling like Ginny is endangering herself again it's a wonder he's still sane.

I'm glad Ginny can see how happy she is making Harry, it's those little moments during a marriage that makes it all worthwhile (IMHO).

Keep up the excellent work.



stmargarets April 4 2007, 22:46:57 UTC
Well, Harry's made of stern stuff, so he usually rises to the occasion. And like you said, he's more than compensated with a happy marriage. :)

Thanks for reading and the reassurances! Even if the writing is hard, as long as the reading is easy, that's all that matters.


neetha April 4 2007, 22:51:14 UTC
Another excellent chapter. This story really touches my heart! I am just so enthralled in Harry and Ginny's marriage- the way you write them is so real and honest.
And Hezzie and Niall... hmmm... lol


stmargarets April 4 2007, 22:58:27 UTC
I do love H/G - probably because where their faults lie. She's so passionate about things and pushes so hard, which gets her into trouble sometimes - but it's her extra push that breaks through to Harry, since Harry feels everything, but can't always express it. Thanks for reading!


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