Prompt 199: Fiction

Dec 09, 2010 11:02

Title: His First Priority
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 426
Prompt: 199(food coma)
Characters/Pairing: Gunn/Fred, Lorne

his first priority )

199, ficlet, angelus2hot, gunn/fred, ats, lorne

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Comments 6

consumedly December 10 2010, 06:23:25 UTC
This was so sweet!!! And there's definitely an *awww* sound trying to come out of my throat...



angelus2hot December 10 2010, 13:32:51 UTC

Thank you so much!

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment


rebcake December 10 2010, 07:39:24 UTC
Ooooh! Someone to nurse a body through the terrible overindulgence...magic. And I don't even think she got to the pie! Nice work.


angelus2hot December 10 2010, 13:33:35 UTC
Thank you very much!

I really appreciate your taking the time to read and comment.


moscow_watcher December 10 2010, 20:39:47 UTC
Awww, so lovely. ♥ Gunn :)


angelus2hot December 10 2010, 21:54:08 UTC
Me too :D

Thank you very much!


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