Prompt 199: Fiction

Dec 09, 2010 11:02

Title: His First Priority
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 426
Prompt: 199(food coma)
Characters/Pairing: Gunn/Fred, Lorne

He was late and he hated to be late, especially today of all days but it couldn't be helped. A group of vampires had tried to set up a nest over in his old neighborhood. Emphasis on the word try. With the help of his old crew, they'd gotten rid of the vampires. But he was still very late.

They were all sitting at the table someone had pulled into the middle of the lobby, when he walked through the door. And even though the table was laden with the most succulent dishes he had ever seen, for him there was still one thing missing.

"Where's..." Before he could finish speaking Lorne interrupted.

"Sorry, sweetie." He gestured to the half finished meal. "We tried to wait but Freddikins hasn't had a holiday meal in a very long time and she couldn't wait to dig in."You should have seen this girl eat!" He picked up the plate beside him and held it up for Gunn to see. "But at the risk of life and limb I managed to save you some of your favorites before Hurricane Fred could devour all of it."

Everyone laughed except for Gunn. "Where's Fred?"

Lorne popped a bite into his mouth before he pointed to the sofa in the center of the room.

Gunn's eyes were filled with concern as he rushed to his girl's side.. "Are you okay, Fred?"

A soft groan escaped her as she tried to sit up. "I'm okay, Charles. I think I just overdid it a little."

Gunn glanced over at the table at Fred's empty plate. If what Lorne said was true she'd eaten quite a bit more than a little. "Come on." He leaned down and helped pull her to her feet.


"You need to lie down. I'll even rub your back until you fall asleep."

She hated to admit it but he was right. There was nothing that she wanted more at this moment than a nap. Well except maybe Charles but even that would have to wait until her stomach settled. As she allowed him to lead her up the stairs she remembered that while she'd made a pig of herself he had yet to eat. "You haven't eaten yet."

"My first priority is you." A soft smile turned the corners of his mouth before he swept her off her feet into his arms and carried her the rest of the way to their room. He could eat later. He would much rather spend the time taking care of his girl.

199, ficlet, angelus2hot, gunn/fred, ats, lorne

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