194 Ficlet: If You Call Her (Ben, Giles)

Oct 29, 2010 21:13

Title If You Call Her, She Will Come
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13 for violent character death
Word Count 215
Prompt 194 (Glory)
Characters Ben, Giles

The hand is closing over Ben's face. Crushing the nose; he can feel the crunch of bone that confirms it is already broken and not much help with the breathing even before the hand closed off that airway.

The palm covers his mouth. No air. He's trying to move, but he can't. Spine gone, he assumes. Or at least severe spinal shock. Enough that fighting back isn’t an option. Enough that breathing was a struggle, even before this man decided to stop it.

He can move his head a little, though he knows he's probably making his broken back worse with every tiny shift. But if he doesn't breathe soon, he won't be needing that spine again.

He knows why this is happening. The quiet man with the one fatal hand explains it very clearly. It's her fault. Everything in Ben's life is always her fault.

But only she can save Ben now. Take him to another dimension. It'll probably be worse than this one, but perhaps men there won't be killing him with one firm, almost gentle, hand. Ben's willing to take the risk.

He can't speak. Can't shriek like the kid they are trying to kill right now, to make it all worthwhile. But he's thinking of her as he suffocates.

"Glory. Glory. GLORY!"

But she doesn’t come. So they die.


194, glory, giles, ficlet, pg13, brutti_ma_buoni

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