Title Letting Off Steam
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG
Word Count 100
Prompt 178 Under Pressure
Characters/Pairing (if any) Harmony, references to Angel
“He wants otter! Do you know how much blood there is in the average otter? Less than a morning snack-break’s -worth, let me tell you!
“I mean, I love my job! Wolfram & Hart’s any vampire personal assistant’s dream employer.
“Although... the death-penalty-for-human-blood testing is a little tough. Morale isn’t great. There’s a lot of envy in the typing pool. Angel works weird hours. His diary’s always out of date. He’s not a proper manager at all - a lot of stuff falls through the cracks and people always blame me.
“And the otter... it’s kind of the last straw.”