178 drabble

Jul 16, 2010 02:11

Title There Should Be A Play
Author Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Rating PG13
Word Count 100
Prompt 178- Queen: "The Show Must Go On"
Characters/Pairing (if any) Ensemble, "The Puppet Show"

There Should Be A Play

Buffy is the first to snap out of it. "Behold," she cries, lifting Sid's dead dummy body for the audience to see. "A child, born in times of, um..." She spots the guillotine. "Of revolution and... gods and monsters and... "

"Ill fortune!" Xander yells. "For he is destined to killeth his mother and marry his... I mean... I meaneth..." He gestures for Willow to say something.

Willow stares at the audience, unmoving.

"Uh... all this, and more, in the second act!" Buffy grabs Willow and rushes for the exit.

Snyder shudders. "I hate Shakespeare."

"Sophocles," Miss Barton whispers.

"Who's principal?"

willow, btvs, 178, beer_good_foamy, buffy, drabble, xander, snyder, pg13

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