162 fic: The real apocalypse

Mar 24, 2010 13:50

Title The real apocalypse
Author Mierke
Rating PG-13
Word Count 507
Prompt 162: Girl, interrupted
Characters/Pairing (if any) Buffy
A/N: Written last January, but I'm ill, so my Muse is away.

This was the real apocalypse.

The last few years didn’t matter anymore. Dying at the hands of the Master, only to be revived to kick his ass? Piece of cake. Killing the love of her life to save the world? Painful, but it had to be done. Getting all her classmates together to end the Mayor? Exhilarating, if she thought about it. Uniting with her friends to kill Adam? That seemed almost fun.

Even jumping off the tower to save her sister had been easy, compared to this.

This would be the real end. This would be where she’d fail the world and the world would crumble before her eyes. One by one the pieces would start to fall, until it was such a mess that it didn’t even deserve the name ‘world’ anymore.

Her world. The world where she had lived in, loved in, for so many years. So many things had happened and so many things were still supposed to happen. She wanted to live to see Xander and Anya get married for real (that had to happen, right?). She wanted the world to keep spinning so Willow and Tara could get together again and be happy (things couldn’t turn out any other way, could they?). She wanted to wait until Giles came back and told her he’d be there for her, no matter what (he wouldn’t stay away, she couldn’t believe that).

The world in which she was the Slayer and in which she had to face the most awful things. She had faced everything and had won every single time. She had had doubts, of course. When Glory had taken Dawn she had been out of her mind, quite literally, and hadn’t known what to do. But she had come through in the end, like a part of her had always known. And while she didn’t know yet how to handle the guys who had been making her life miserable for the last couple of weeks, she’d figure something out.

But this… How could she fight this? There was no monster to fight, no God, no big snake… Not even a trio of nerds who shouldn’t have been able to do as much damage as they did. There was only… herself.

Stopping the apocalypse meant turning her back on that other world, the world where her parents were still alive and well, where they were together and happy.

She wasn’t sure anymore which one was the right world. But surely a world without her friends, a world without Dawn, wasn’t a world worth saving, was it?

This was the real apocalypse. It didn’t matter which world she’d save - there’d always be one that she didn’t save. Stopping the apocalypse would mean starting one in the other world. This was an apocalypse (these were apocalypses?) she couldn’t prevent from happening, she just had to chose which world to save.

Her friends and sister… or her parents.

The Slayer… or an ordinary girl.

Superpowers… or insane.

What was more important? Being real or being special?

162, ficlet, buffy, btvs, pg13, mierke

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