162 Drabble - Anywhere

Mar 24, 2010 08:49

Title: Anywhere
Author: Laucus
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 162 - Out of Africa (1985)
Characters/Pairing (if any): Xander/Ethan

The night before had been hot; now that the African dawn has arrived, it borders on stifling. And there are few things more disgusting than having a sweat-damp eyepatch.

One of those things happens to be sitting across from him. To be fair, though, Xander's been reconsidering his opinion of Ethan.

"If you could be," he asks, "anywhere but here...?"

Amy Yip. Water park. Always and forever.

Ethan's grinning, trickle of perspiration by his mouth.


Xander leans back in his chair, a picture of contemplation as he closes his eye.


"Anywhere." Ethan makes it sound like a promise.

"Out of Africa."

"Sounds good." Ethan stands abruptly. "Shall we?"

162, ethan, laucus, g, xander, drabble, btvs

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