Prompt 158

Feb 18, 2010 21:26


This is our special mystery prompt for the month! This is a prompt that every single member of the community can participate in. To count for this prompt, you just have to submit some recs from Still Grrr submissions. That means you can rec your favorite whatever, as long as they were posted in the community. Favorite Darla fics or favorite Spuffy icons or favorite fanart by a certain artist. You can rec as many or as few things as you want. You pick the category, the format. You can just link them, you can talk about them, the important thing is the LOVE! So go back to some old posts, revisit THREE YEARS of Whedonverse fanworks and show off your faves for everyone to enjoy!

All recs lists need to go under a cut. Please make sure to tag your recs with "recs" as well as characters/pairings/ratings/shows/etc. I will compile a master list with all the recs posts at the end of the prompt. All links must to be to something at Still Grrr

Affiliate update: Icon artists, please check out buffy_stillness and the newly opened spuffy_stills

PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO VOTE FOR OUR JANUARY ENTRIES. And don't forget to check out the LOVE-A-THON going on!

158, ats, btvs, modpost, recs, dollhouse, firefly, prompt, dr. horrible

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