Spike Ficlet: "And Would You Like a Broken Neck with That?"

Apr 30, 2007 17:47

Title: And Would You Like a Broken Neck with That?
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 215
Prompt: 011 - Free for all - McDonald's
Character: Spike
A/N: Pre-series Spike. Set in 1988 when McDonalds was doing the McDonald's Menu Song Promotion. Kelly and I were discussing how songs could inspire fanfic. I jokingly mentioned the McDonald's Menu Song. She sorta dared me. This is the resulting crack!fic. Previously posted to my journal, so some of you might have already seen it there.

Every once in a while, Spike craved food. Buffalo wings, bloomin’ onions, sometimes his mouth just watered thinking about food. Today was one of those days. He’d woken up thinking of Big Macs, so as soon as the sun went down, he headed for the nearest McDonald’s.

As he walked up to the counter, he couldn’t help but notice the fake smile that was pasted on the kid’s face. “Good evening, sir. Could I possibly interest you in a ‘Big Mac, Mc DLT, a Quarter-Pounder with some cheese, Filet-O-Fish, a hamburger…’”

Spike was stunned for a brief second. He finally realized that the pimply geek was actually singing the McDonald’s Menu Song. He’d just wanted a Big Mac, damn it. This was more than he could bear.

Spike reached across the counter and grabbed the kid by the neck. He quickly twisted the teen’s head and the cracking sound that followed made him feel a bit better. Spike then looked around the restaurant and glared at the four other teenagers who were working there.

“I want a Big Mac, and I want it fast. And I want it without any bloody singing,” he growled.

Two minutes later, Spike walked out of McDonald’s with a smile on his face and a bag of free Big Macs.

boy_named_susie, ficlet, spike, btvs, pg13, 011-020

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