Spike Ficlet: "And Would You Like a Broken Neck with That?"

Apr 30, 2007 17:47

Title: And Would You Like a Broken Neck with That ( Read more... )

boy_named_susie, ficlet, spike, btvs, pg13, 011-020

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Comments 15

beer_good_foamy April 30 2007, 23:49:52 UTC
Oh, Spike. He always tries so hard to be evil, and ends up doing good. Because let's face it, McDonald's is the antichrist. Heh. This was great.


boy_named_susie May 1 2007, 00:30:58 UTC
Thanks! And you're right, McDonald's is evil. If I was French, I think I would have been tempted to vote for José Bové just on the grounds that he led that attack on a McDonalds in the French countryside.


slaymesoftly May 1 2007, 01:13:48 UTC
ROFL - This was a great little evil Spike ficlet. :)


boy_named_susie May 1 2007, 02:17:19 UTC
Thanks! Evil Spike is a lot of fun. Glad you liked it.


divadea May 1 2007, 02:55:29 UTC
Oh my god, that was so fabulous. Of course Spike would crave food - he's all about pleasure, everything is physical for him. And he's all about immediate gratification, thus 15 seconds of singing is more than he can bear. I love it love it love it!
And I'll add my yea vote to the McD's is evil crowd for sure :)


boy_named_susie May 1 2007, 14:40:40 UTC
Spike immediately jumped to mind when Kelly dared me to write something with the McDonald's menu song. And you're right, he is all about pleasure and has no patience, which is rather unfortunate for the poor McDonald's kid. Glad you liked it!


xlivvielockex May 1 2007, 17:46:51 UTC
Oh how much do I love this story, let me count the ways. I am glad you decided to repost it over here. And see, other people are happy too. You need to listen to me more often, damnit! LISTEN TO ME! TOOOOOOO MEEEEE!

And get back to studying.


boy_named_susie May 1 2007, 22:42:20 UTC
Hehe, I think I listen to you WAY TOO MUCH. That's what gets me in trouble, LOL.

Back to studying.


skull_theatre May 1 2007, 18:11:30 UTC

Too funny!


boy_named_susie May 1 2007, 22:43:23 UTC
Thanks! This one was a lot of fun to write, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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