Title Snyku: Shorts
Author Bruttimabuoni
Rating G
Word Count 169
Prompt 136 (Band Candy: the factory)
Characters/Pairing (if any) Snyder(/Joyce, in his dreams)
A/N: Some dialogue is taken from the episode Band Candy, written by Jane Espenson. With apologies to
mere_ubu and other distinguished practitioners of Spaiku, whose concept inspired this. The end products are rather different, though.
Love my profession.
High school is sheer perfection
Without the students
Band candy tastes nummy.
I feel rejuvenated.
Can I have some more?
Lonely Principal
Seeks understanding woman
For night of dalliance
So this is the Bronze.
There are some foxy ladies
Here tonight. Whoa yeah!
I took Tae Kwan Do
And got a commendation
Have lots to offer
Taller men always
Attract admiring glances
I am overlooked
They have been smoking
And drinking all afternoon
Should get detention
MilkBar factory
Must be source of evil spell
Joyce Summers is there
Woman of my dreams
Perfect lips, eating chocolate
Feathers teasing neck
Deep breath, take courage:
“So are you two... kinda like
Um... going steady?”
She turns her shoulder
Rolls her eyes, watches cool kids
Fighting with weapons
A lovely woman
Who chews gum elegantly
Not like the students.
Mother of Buffy,
Troublemaker. Dates would be
Babies in danger
Librarian plays champion
I go home quietly
Some guys are heroes
They get the girlfriends. That’s my
Reality. Sigh.