117 fic - Editing

May 08, 2009 18:23

Title: Editing
Author: deird1
Rating: PG
Word Count: 640
Prompt: 117 (Buffy - Normal Again)
Character: Dawn

homework )

ficlet, dawn, 111-120, pg, btvs, deird1

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Comments 34

nothorse May 8 2009, 09:06:53 UTC
Ooooh! That was great. Perfect Dawn.


deird1 May 8 2009, 21:19:08 UTC


ozma914 May 8 2009, 09:14:56 UTC
Yep, Dawn needs to get that eraser ready or be prepared for lots and lots of therapy. Meanwhile, between the lines, a lovely look at her character.


deird1 May 8 2009, 21:19:32 UTC
I'm glad you liked it!


stormwreath May 8 2009, 09:27:49 UTC
And then she picks up her pen, and writes:

Good for her. And you for writing it. :-)


deird1 May 8 2009, 21:19:46 UTC


brunettepet May 8 2009, 12:45:08 UTC
Excellent Dawn voice, and an interesting look into her mind. Her every day life is strewn with land mines, and she has to filter everything she says or writes. What a terrible strain. It would be hard not to slip up.

Nobody ever talked about the shelf life of her human construct. I like how it still hovers in the back of Dawn's mind here. You ended this on a hopeful note with that yes. Nice.


deird1 May 8 2009, 21:21:12 UTC
I'm glad you liked this!

It would be hard not to slip up.

It really would...


cmk418 May 8 2009, 13:10:04 UTC
Loved it. It moved flawlessly between moments of humor and moments of angst. I loved her answers to greatest achievement and hobbies. The five questions that she had to ask and the answers she gave were typical Dawn, and I liked that you ended it on a somewhat optimistic note.

Excellent job!


deird1 May 8 2009, 21:21:47 UTC

It was very fun to write.


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