Title: Editing
deird1Rating: PG
Word Count: 640
Prompt: 117 (Buffy - Normal Again)
Character: Dawn
Write about the last time you were worried, or scared.
The last time I was worried or scared was a week ago, when my sister went insane, tied me up in the basement of our house, and tried to feed me to a slime monster.
Dawn contemplates this sentence, carefully. Then she crosses it out, and writes:
The last time I was worried or scared was when a guy at the mall was walking behind me, and I thought he might have a knife, or something.
But, luckily, he didn’t.
Write about the last time you were “stressed out”, or under pressure.
Again - the basement. Big slimy things trying to kill you is really stressful.
This also gets crossed out.
Three months ago, when we had a history test, and I didn’t know if I’d studied hard enough.
Think about the members of your family.
Write down three adjectives to describe each member of your family.
occasionally insane and psychotic
also thoughtful
In ten words, describe your life’s ambition.
To survive Sunnydale, get a fun job, and fight evil.
Dawn frowns, and then replaces “survive Sunnydale” with “finish high-school”, and “fight evil” with “marry someone”.
In one sentence, describe your greatest achievement.
Not destroying the world in a cataclysmic burst of energy when the evil Hellgod who had kidnapped me used my blood to open a portal to go home to hell.
Or, alternatively, winning the MiniMusic! performance at my grade school when I was eight, by singing ‘Tomorrow’ - probably very badly.
What is your greatest hope?
That Tara and Willow will
This is crossed out.
That I’ll get to travel the world, after high-school.
What is your greatest fear?
Dawn pauses, staring at the page. And then she slowly writes:
Fading away.
Describe the best thing that happened to you this week.
Getting rescued from the slime monster would be pretty high up the list…
Describe the worst thing that happened to you this week.
When my sister went crazy.
She thinks, and then adds:
When my sister was in this weird universe where she was crazy, and I didn’t exist.
When my sister thought she’d just been imagining me.
When I started wondering if she’d just been imagining me.
After all, she was - once.
Describe the funniest thing that happened to you this week.
Describe the most exciting thing that happened to you this week.
Basement. Slime monster. Duh.
Describe the most interesting thing that happened to you this week.
Definitely not doing this homework assignment.
In three sentences, describe one of your favourite hobbies.
Making papier-mache models of vampires.
It’s really fun.
And also interesting.
Describe one of your phobias.
Slime monsters?
Describe something you’re looking forward to.
Going shopping with Buffy this weekend, to make up for the tried-to-kill-me-with-a-slime-monster thing.
Describe something you’re not looking forward to.
Rewriting most of this assignment so that I don’t get sent to the school counsellor every week for the rest of my life.
Write down a question.
What color is the sky?
Write down a rhetorical question.
Is this homework assignment really dumb?
Write down a hypothetical question.
If five monkeys were set loose in a movie theater, which one would bite the most people before being recaptured?
Write down an interrogative question.
Are you responsible for seven vicious axe murders in Manhattan?
Write down a philosophical question.
If Buffy forgot who I was, would I still be me?
Now, answer each of the five questions you wrote down.
1) Blue
2) It doesn’t need to be answered - it’s rhetorical.
3) The one with the fluffiest tail.
4) No. I have never axe murdered anyone.
Dawn pauses again.
And then she picks up her pen, and writes: