116 double-drabble - Who's Got The Power?

May 04, 2009 08:04

Title: Who's Got The Power?
Author: deird1
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Prompt: 116 (weapons free-for-all)
Characters: the Summers sisters

Who’s Got The Power?

The Krelnish demon roared ferociously - and then choked, suddenly, as the younger girl jumped on top of him and stuffed a small plastic object straight into his mouth, where it lodged between his teeth.

She thought she could attack him so easily?!

She would regret it! He would rip her limb from limb, pull out her intestines, cause her a thousand agonising deaths, and stalk her children in their sleep for the rest of eternity! All eternity!

He roared again, or tried to, but the plastic thing was in the way - and it was starting to stop him from - he couldn’t concentrate on the girl who was now punching him repeatedly in the face, he had to get this thing out before it… he couldn’t… losing breath…

No! He couldn’t just- He had to-

He swung one arm around blindly, knocking the girl off him, and… scrabbled desperately at… his throat, as he… fell… to the…

* * * * *

They stood there for a minute, looking at the dead body in front of them - stunned into silence.

Then Buffy blinked a few times, looked up at Dawn, and said, “You know… when I said your cellphone was a weapon, I didn’t mean literally.”

ficlet, dawn, 111-120, pg, buffy, btvs, deird1

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