Prompt 116: Weapons drabble

May 04, 2009 01:12

Title: One Hit Wonder
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Characters: Giles, oz
Prompt: 116: Fender Stratocaster... what? It's a weapon.

One Hit Wonder

"Well, that was resourceful." Giles poked the unconscious vampire with his foot. They'd been standing outside Oz's van discussing music when it attacked.

"Yeah." Oz inspected his Stratocaster for vamp-head-related damage. "I like to improvise on this one. Good to know it stays in tune."

"I hear Leo Fender was, um, quite the demon hunter."

The vampire groaned, touched the bump on his forehead and mumbled something about attacking folk musicians from now on.

"He's coming to. You wouldn't happen to have a stake in the van?"

Oz reached inside and handed Giles a drumstick. "You wanna do the encore?"

giles, beer_good_foamy, 111-120, pg, drabble, btvs, oz

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