114 Ficlet

Apr 18, 2009 16:35

Sounds like a good time to revise an old drabble I always thought could use a few extra words.

Title: Kill The Hypothenuse
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 250
Prompt: 114: Bow and arrows
Characters/Pairing: Faith, Buffy, Angel
Timeline: "Graduation Day, Part 1"

Kill The Hypothenuse

The night air is cold up on the roof of the theater; you'd think a big sign saying SUN would be warm. By the time Angel and Buffy come back out of the professor's apartment building, it feels like she's waited forever.

The bow creaks as Faith takes aim, peers along the arrow, then keeps her eye on them as she slowly lowers the bow again. They're fighting. She can't hear what they're saying from up here, but it looks serious. As in break-up serious. Figures; that girl never knows a good thing when she's got it. You do the good-girl thing, you try to impress, and she still only sees Angel; then soon as you burn your bridges, what do you know, she's dumping him.

Angel tosses the box of papers aside, Buffy's yelling at him, close to tears. Faith casts a quick glance down front of the theater; it's not that far, it wouldn't take long to go down there, maybe make things right...
(turn and face the wall, Lester)
She takes a deep breath, looks across the street. The professor's windows are dark, reflecting the neon sign she's hiding behind. Fuck it. Too late now. Might as well give her something to cry about. In one motion, Faith raises the bow, takes aim and lets the arrow fly. Angel crumples to the ground and Buffy looks around in panic, but doesn't see her.

The Boss's idiot minion says she missed the heart.

Yeah. What else is new.

111-120, faith, btvs, buffy/angel, ficlet, beer_good_foamy, buffy, pg13, angel

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