Title: Hero/Heroine
Author: americangrl69
Rating: G
Prompt: 114: Sword
Characters/Pairing: Buffy, Oliver Queen
A/N: Texture made by
xswaniconsx. My muse is totally obsessed with Smallville at the moment. So when I saw the bow & arrow prompt she automatically thought Oliver. But the fanart is more Sword then Bow & Arrow. Feedback is appreciated.
Title: Hero/Heroine
Author: americangrl69
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 113
Prompt: 114: Bow & Arrow
Characters/Pairing: Buffy, Oliver Queen
A/N: I was also inspired to write some fic. This is more shippy. Feedback is appreciated.
Buffy fought the vampire in a back ally of Metropolis. She sent a roundhouse kick to its face, sending the vampire backwards. She nodded to the unseen figure hiding in the shadows.
Oliver drew his bow back, releasing the wood tipped arrow, and watched it hit the vampire in the chest.
Buffy saw the realization on the vampire’s face. She just smirked as he turned to dust.
Oliver emerged from the shadows. “We make a pretty good team, huh?” he asked.
Buffy smiled at him. “Yeah we do.” Buffy replied. Oliver leaned down and kissed his partner in crime.
It was just another day in the life of a hero and his heroine.