Ficlet: Hot Bikes and Hotter Women

Feb 20, 2007 21:41

Title: Hot Bikes and Hotter Women
Author: boy_named_susie
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 375
Prompt: New Season (001)
Characters: Faith/Weevil
Note: Veronica Mars and BtVS crossover. Not eligible for voting.

Spring had always been Faith’s favorite season. The long winters in Boston were cold and snowy, so every year she welcomed spring as a chance to escape the dreary snow that held her captive through winter.

Southern California was different. All the seasons there seemed to blend together. When spring came it wasn’t quite as exciting as it was in Boston, but she still noticed its arrival and decided to mark the occasion by escaping from no-fun Buffy and her repressive friends.

There were a few bikes parked outside Willy’s bar, so she picked the nicest Harley and rode off. She didn’t have a destination in mind. She just wanted to hit the road and find some excitement.

She followed the freeway south for a while, enjoying the wind whipping through her hair and the feeling of freedom. She decided to ride along the coast and soon passed a lonely beach where a gang of bikers had congregated.

Faith had been looking for excitement, so she doubled back. She knew all eyes were on her and she made the most of it as she walked straight up to the one who was obviously in charge and looked him up and down. He was good looking - dark skin and muscular.

Weevil returned the gesture by clearly admiring her many assets. The girl was hot stuff, he thought. She was clad in black leather and had blood red lips and her self-assurance only added to the package.

“How’d you like to take a ride on my hog, sexy?” Faith asked him, staring straight into his eyes.

The PCHers whistled and laughed. Weevil chuckled too and responded, “Usually *I* do the asking.”

“That so? Well you were gonna ask eventually, so I thought I’d just help you out.”

Faith slowly walked away, slung her leg over her bike, kick started it, turned it around and looked over her shoulder. “Well, come find me if you want to have some fun,” she called over her shoulder as she took off, knowing she’d hear the start of an engine any second.

Weevil started his bike and rode after her. He didn’t normally chase girls, but no man could resist an invitation like that from a hot girl on a Harley.

001-010, faith/other, faith, btvs, boy_named_susie, x-over, ficlet, pg13

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